Eric Vökel BCN Suites
Barcelona, Spania
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Cauta vacanta dorita
Alege vacanta dorita completand campurile de mai jos
Descrierea Hotelului
These enchanting apartments are conveniently perched in Barcelona, just a few steps from the imposing Sagrada Familia and within walking distance from La Pedrera or Casa Batll the vibrant Grcia district with its multiple restaurants, bars and shopping opportunities is just steps away. Visitors will find themselves within easy reach of links of public transportation, allowing them easy access to the other parts of the city and to the nearest beach. This elegant establishment presents beautiful modern design and fantastic, air-conditioned penthouses and 2-bedroom apartments, some of the latter are provided with 2 bathrooms. The spacious and bright units are fitted with commodious furniture and cutting-edge amenities to guarantee a fully comfortable and enjoyable stay. The property has a private parking and visitors may inquire with multilingual staff at the reception for the best places to see in Barcelona.These enchanting apartments are conveniently perched in Barcelona, just a few steps from the imposing Sagrada Familia and within walking distance from La Pedrera or Casa Batll the vibrant Grcia district with its multiple restaurants, bars and shopping opportunities is just steps away. Visitors will find themselves within easy reach of links of public transportation, allowing them easy access to the other parts of the city and to the nearest beach. This elegant establishment presents beautiful modern design and fantastic, air-conditioned penthouses and 2-bedroom apartments, some of the latter are provided with 2 bathrooms. The spacious and bright units are fitted with commodious furniture and cutting-edge amenities to guarantee a fully comfortable and enjoyable stay. The property has a private parking and visitors may inquire with multilingual staff at the reception for the best places to see in Barcelona.
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