Hotel Eurostars Anglí
Barcelona, Spania
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Cauta vacanta dorita
Alege vacanta dorita completand campurile de mai jos
Descrierea Hotelului
This outstanding urban hotel features a quiet location in the north of Barcelona in Sarria-Sant Gervasi district. Guests will find Sants train station a short driving distance away and the popular Monastery of Pedralbes, a Gothic monastery housing collections from Barcelona City's history museum, is just 1.5 kilometres away. Breaking the mould of classical hotel aesthetics, this luxurious property includes a choice of contemporary rooms, daringly designed and equipped with writing desks and Wi-Fi internet connection. Hotel amenities and facilities include meeting rooms for events, banquet services and an outdoor swimming pool surrounded by deck chairs, ideal to soak up the sun or just to relax. A delicious complete breakfast buffet is served for guests to kick start the day and a covered car park is also available for those arriving in their own vehicles.This outstanding urban hotel features a quiet location in the north of Barcelona in Sarria-Sant Gervasi district. Guests will find Sants train station a short driving distance away and the popular Monastery of Pedralbes, a Gothic monastery housing collections from Barcelona City's history museum, is just 1.5 kilometres away. Breaking the mould of classical hotel aesthetics, this luxurious property includes a choice of contemporary rooms, daringly designed and equipped with writing desks and Wi-Fi internet connection. Hotel amenities and facilities include meeting rooms for events, banquet services and an outdoor swimming pool surrounded by deck chairs, ideal to soak up the sun or just to relax. A delicious complete breakfast buffet is served for guests to kick start the day and a covered car park is also available for those arriving in their own vehicles.
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