Hotel Las guilas Tenerife, Affiliated by Meli
Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Spania
- 4
Cauta vacanta dorita
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Descrierea Hotelului
this paradise location is surrounded by magnificent beaches with volcanic sand. Just 3km from the centre of Puerto de la Cruz and its beaches, the hotel is in the heart of the Orotava Valley, allowing stunning views of the north of the island and the famous Mount Teide.This hotel in Tenerife boasts a prime location, in Puerto de la Cruz, only 26km from Tenerife Norte Airport. The Hotel Las guilas Tenerife, Affiliated by Meli is perfect for enjoying both a family holiday or a business trip, as it offers large outdoor spaces, two swimming pools, 10,000 m of gardens and meeting and event rooms. Enjoy a holiday in Tenerife and a unique experience in one of the hotels with the best views on the island.this paradise location is surrounded by magnificent beaches with volcanic sand. Just 3km from the centre of Puerto de la Cruz and its beaches, the hotel is in the heart of the Orotava Valley, allowing stunning views of the north of the island and the famous Mount Teide.This hotel in Tenerife boasts a prime location, in Puerto de la Cruz, only 26km from Tenerife Norte Airport. The Hotel Las guilas Tenerife, Affiliated by Meli is perfect for enjoying both a family holiday or a business trip, as it offers large outdoor spaces, two swimming pools, 10,000 m of gardens and meeting and event rooms. Enjoy a holiday in Tenerife and a unique experience in one of the hotels with the best views on the island.
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