× Hello Holidays

Las Ramblas Bacardi Apartments

Barcelona, Spania

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Cauta vacanta dorita

Alege vacanta dorita completand campurile de mai jos

Important! Anumite unitati de cazare au un minim de sedere intre 2-7 nopti.
In cazul in care cautarea dvs. nu a generat rezultate va rugam sa o refaceti pe un numar mai mare de nopti.
Camere la cerere - cu reconfirmare in max 48 de ore
Camere disponibile - cu confirmare imediata

Descrierea Hotelului

The apartment is not cleaned during the stay. There is a mandatory cleaning payment upon departure that is not included in the value of the stay, which is 35 to be collected upon the client's arrival, except in the APT / B4-XW (B4-XW / APARTMENT 4 BEDROOMS AND 4 BATHROOMS) that the cleaning cost will be 100. We have parking not included in the price of 20/day. Reception Service almost 24 hours a day: from 9:00 a. m. to 11:00 p. m. every day of the year, in case of arrival later it is mandatory to notify 2 days in advance. The client always has to confirm arrival time or by phone at +34 695097612, as well as provide a telephone number in case of delay or problems, before the day of arrival. If you arrive before 3:00 p. m. you can leave your bags and enter in the afternoon when the apartment is clean. The address is Las Ramblas 42, Pasaje Bacardi entrance 1, office 2. The apartment is not cleaned during the stay. Clients can leave their suitcases at reception between 09:00 and 0:00. Key collection and check-in time 14:30-0:00 There is a tourist tax of 6. 05 per adult over 16 years old per night which is not included in the price, up to a maximum of 7 nights. This tax will be 6. 88 from 1 October 2024. GROUPS OF BACHELOR PARTY OR STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED

The apartment is not cleaned during the stay. There is a mandatory cleaning payment upon departure that is not included in the value of the stay, which is 35 to be collected upon the client's arrival, except in the APT / B4-XW (B4-XW / APARTMENT 4 BEDROOMS AND 4 BATHROOMS) that the cleaning cost will be 100. We have parking not included in the price of 20/day. Reception Service almost 24 hours a day: from 9:00 a. m. to 11:00 p. m. every day of the year, in case of arrival later it is mandatory to notify 2 days in advance. The client always has to confirm arrival time or by phone at +34 695097612, as well as provide a telephone number in case of delay or problems, before the day of arrival. If you arrive before 3:00 p. m. you can leave your bags and enter in the afternoon when the apartment is clean. The address is Las Ramblas 42, Pasaje Bacardi entrance 1, office 2. The apartment is not cleaned during the stay. Clients can leave their suitcases at reception between 09:00 and 0:00. Key collection and check-in time 14:30-0:00 There is a tourist tax of 6. 05 per adult over 16 years old per night which is not included in the price, up to a maximum of 7 nights. This tax will be 6. 88 from 1 October 2024. GROUPS OF BACHELOR PARTY OR STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED

Datorita dinamicitatii domeniului disponibilitatea ofertelor se modifica de la un moment la altul. De aceea ofertele sunt valabile in limita locurilor disponibile. Agentia nu este responsabila pentru eventualele neconcordante care pot aparea intre informatiile privind tarifele si alte detalii din site si informatiile primite in agentie. In aceste cazuri vor avea prioritate, intotdeauna, informatiile primite in agentie.

Touroperatorii au, de obicei, propriile clasificari atunci cand evalueaza o unitate de cazare, daca nu exista alte prevederi. Clasificarile ce sunt afisate in acest website sunt clasificari proprii si sunt o incercare de a oferi o ghidare pentru calitatea generala a proprietatilor din oferta. Clasificarile universale ale touroperatorilor sunt, de obicei, bazate pe constatarile / feedback-ul clientilor si ale senior managerilor din tara si strainatate.

Daca este cazul, evaluarile oficiale sunt date de catre autoritatile din fiecare tara si au tendinta de a da o clasificare corecta bazata pe standardele relative din tara respectiva.


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