Mellow Youth Hostel
Barcelona, Spania
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Cauta vacanta dorita
Alege vacanta dorita completand campurile de mai jos
Descrierea Hotelului
If the customer is looking for a neat, modern and new hostel which is safe and peaceful, this is the host in Barcelona. It has great panoramic views over the city, the sea and Tibitabo Mountain. All the citys tourist attractions are just 15-20 min away, situated in a quiet suburb of Barcelona just 15 to 20 minutes' walk from Parc Gell. The building is new and comfortable, all the rooms are bright and exterior with large windows and most of them have balconies. The common areas are beautiful and spacious, which includes a chill out place. There is a communal area with a dining room and free Wi-Fi. The bright, spacious dormitories are heated and have tiled floors, each has a shared bathroom with a hairdryer. Solar panels are used to heat the water at Hillview.If the customer is looking for a neat, modern and new hostel which is safe and peaceful, this is the host in Barcelona. It has great panoramic views over the city, the sea and Tibitabo Mountain. All the citys tourist attractions are just 15-20 min away, situated in a quiet suburb of Barcelona just 15 to 20 minutes' walk from Parc Gell. The building is new and comfortable, all the rooms are bright and exterior with large windows and most of them have balconies. The common areas are beautiful and spacious, which includes a chill out place. There is a communal area with a dining room and free Wi-Fi. The bright, spacious dormitories are heated and have tiled floors, each has a shared bathroom with a hairdryer. Solar panels are used to heat the water at Hillview.
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