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Aegagros Caldera Houses

Santorini, Santorini, Grecia

  • 4

Cauta vacanta dorita

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Descrierea Hotelului

Aegagros Caldera Houses is a complex of 5 traditional Villas and one Cave Studio at one of Santorini’s most beautiful spots: the outskirts of the picturesque village of Megalochori, right at the middle west of Santorini at the caldera's eyebrow. Built in a 5.000sq metre vineyard, surrounded by trees and beautiful gardens away from hotels and touristic attractions it provides a real retreat. Reflecting on authentic Santorinian living, we offer a kind of stay unique in Santorini. Here, you will experience Greek hospitality, “philoxenia” as narrated by Homer: sincere, heart-warming, generous and in the pursuit of Good and Joyful. 

The Villas used to be our family’s own houses where we used to enjoy the endless Greek summer. They used to be our haven, designed to comfortably accommodate our big family in an eclectic environment.
The Villas have now been renovated to cater for the needs of Santorini visitors who seek a home away from home feel, while experiencing the subtler, but more telling characteristic, of Santorini Island.
There are two 55m2 Villas, two 90m2 ones and one 50m2 Villla, along with a Cave Studio carved right off from the Caldera the cliff, all drawing on traditional Santorinian architecture. From the vaulted ceilings, plaster walls, hand made tiles, volcano stone tables and marble sinks to the white laced linen and the antique furniture, Aegagros Caldera Houses in Santorini, speaks of days of slow, authentic, blissful living.
You will relish the spectacular view to the Aegean Sea and the Santorini volcano from you balcony or terrace, as all Villas offer unobstructed view. Pretty gardens and vineyards embrace every step you make.
The numerous terraces, private or shared are the ideal spot to start the day with our infamous homemade breakfast with local Santorini products. We will be more than happy to prepare upon request dinners and share our very own organic wine. 

Our breakfast depicts our love for local gastronomy and healthy living, in the most delicious way
Start the day with our nutritious and delicious breakfast: Organic fruit and vegetable straight from our front gardens; appetizing Greek pies made from scratch; home baked cakes and hot baked bread; our very own mouthwatering handmade marmalades and tasty crepes, as well as various types of Greek cheese and free range eggs. Expect appetizing, flavorsome surprises to come with your freshly squeezed juice, coffee or tea.Served daily at your Villa or at your terrace.

Aegagros Caldera Houses is a complex of 5 traditional Villas and one Cave Studio at one of Santorini’s most beautiful spots: the outskirts of the picturesque village of Megalochori, right at the middle west of Santorini at the caldera's eyebrow. Built in a 5.000sq metre vineyard, surrounded by trees and beautiful gardens away from hotels and touristic attractions it provides a real retreat. Reflecting on authentic Santorinian living, we offer a kind of stay unique in Santorini. Here, you will experience Greek hospitality, “philoxenia” as narrated by Homer: sincere, heart-warming, generous and in the pursuit of Good and Joyful. 

The Villas used to be our family’s own houses where we used to enjoy the endless Greek summer. They used to be our haven, designed to comfortably accommodate our big family in an eclectic environment.
The Villas have now been renovated to cater for the needs of Santorini visitors who seek a home away from home feel, while experiencing the subtler, but more telling characteristic, of Santorini Island.
There are two 55m2 Villas, two 90m2 ones and one 50m2 Villla, along with a Cave Studio carved right off from the Caldera the cliff, all drawing on traditional Santorinian architecture. From the vaulted ceilings, plaster walls, hand made tiles, volcano stone tables and marble sinks to the white laced linen and the antique furniture, Aegagros Caldera Houses in Santorini, speaks of days of slow, authentic, blissful living.
You will relish the spectacular view to the Aegean Sea and the Santorini volcano from you balcony or terrace, as all Villas offer unobstructed view. Pretty gardens and vineyards embrace every step you make.
The numerous terraces, private or shared are the ideal spot to start the day with our infamous homemade breakfast with local Santorini products. We will be more than happy to prepare upon request dinners and share our very own organic wine. 

Our breakfast depicts our love for local gastronomy and healthy living, in the most delicious way
Start the day with our nutritious and delicious breakfast: Organic fruit and vegetable straight from our front gardens; appetizing Greek pies made from scratch; home baked cakes and hot baked bread; our very own mouthwatering handmade marmalades and tasty crepes, as well as various types of Greek cheese and free range eggs. Expect appetizing, flavorsome surprises to come with your freshly squeezed juice, coffee or tea.Served daily at your Villa or at your terrace.

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Azi 10 03 2024 am fost intr o excursie de 1 zi minunată, multumesc atât șoferului cât și ghidului ptr faptul că ne au facut ziua frumoasă

Constantin Marinita, 10.03.2024 Citeste mai mult

Nu am calatorit cu d-vs, dar mi-as dori!

Labont Eugenia, 12.02.2024 Citeste mai mult

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