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Amoudara, Creta-Heraklion, Grecia

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Descrierea Hotelului

Our main restaurant offers a huge variety of culinary delights, including Greek food specialties and cooked-to-order daily specials, while at our other three – a la carte – restaurants you can enjoy traditional and modern Cretan, Vegan and Italian cuisines.

NOTE: Some facilities are subject to weather permitting and in some cases day & time restrictions and/or changes may apply or are offered only during the main season.

Apollonia Beach Resort & Spa is located directly on the long and sandy beach of Amoudara. Amoudara is a small holiday village in the prefecture of Heraklion, located on the second-longest, flat sandy beach of Crete. Along the main thoroughfare you will find a variety of souvenir shops, supermarkets, bars, nightclubs, restaurants, hotels, studios and apartments.


When it comes to entertainment, our hotel provides lots of different ways and special areas to have fun, including: A spacious pool area

One main pool

Two children pools with water slides (April-October: 11.00 a.m.-01.00 p.m & 03.00 p.m.-05.30 p.m.)

Two baby pools

Sun beds and umbrellas (free of charge and available at both the pool, beach and the lush garden)

Beach towels (available by the pool and at the reception)

A covered fitness area (where you can enjoy your personal exercise or participate in various sports activities and training programs). 

Special fun areas and activity programs for our young visitors

Daily shows (at the disco and the open-air amphitheatre from May until 15 October)TV-RoomGames Room Billiard (with charge)

NOTE: Some facilities are subject to weather permitting and in some cases day & time restrictions and/or changes may apply or are offered only during the main season.


Our sports facilities and services include the following: 2 tennis courts *Floodlight with charge

Water sports station (extra charge): Pedal boat, Canoe

Fitness room (extra charge)

Water gymnastics, Water Polo, Gymnastics, Step aerobic, Table Tennis, *Beach Volleyball,  Beach Soccer, Bicycle* (Note: this is not a fee-based bike rental service, use is at your own risk) Mini Golf **One hour per day free for our all-inclusive guests (01.04-31.10)


Showing great respect to our younger guests, we provide the following youth-oriented facilities and services:Mini Club (a special area for 4-6 years old)Maxi Club (a special area for 7-12 years old)

Teens Activities (13-17 years old) from July to August

Children’s Disco, Children Shows, High chairs in the restaurants, Cots, Buggy, Baby monitor, Kettle, Babysitting (upon request with extra charge) 

NOTE: Some facilities are subject to weather permitting and in some cases day & time restrictions and/or changes may apply or are offered only during the main season.


At Apollonia Beach Resort & Spa we have all the needed facilities (including contemporary technical equipment such as projectors, flip charts, microphones, podium, audio-visual systems, translation systems, etc) and an extensive experience to organize your events, from small meetings to large conferences.In order to meet all kinds of business needs, we provide a selection of 5 meeting rooms, offering seats for up to 330 delegates.


Sojern Image PixelApollonia Beach Resort & Spa is considered to be one of the best Cretan hotels, being able to accommodate from individual visitors to large business events and conferences. Our rooms are stylish, modern and offer all the comfort you need for a pleasant and relaxing holiday.

Furthermore, our hotel offers especially equipped rooms in order to optimize their access and use by handicapped visitors and disabled guests.

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Azi 10 03 2024 am fost intr o excursie de 1 zi minunată, multumesc atât șoferului cât și ghidului ptr faptul că ne au facut ziua frumoasă

Constantin Marinita, 10.03.2024 Citeste mai mult

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Labont Eugenia, 12.02.2024 Citeste mai mult

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