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Descrierea Hotelului

Hilltop Rooms & Suites by Belvedere

The new Hilltop Rooms & Suites offer 26 spacious units designed to host up to 3 guests, this newly residential accommodation option is ideal for travelers seeking proximity to Mykonos heartbeat yet looking for privacy and impeccable hotel service. Every single one of Hilltop luxury rooms and suites comes with breathtaking views of Mykonos Town and the Aegean Sea.

The luxury rooms feature outdoor pools, jacuzzis or large yards to cover all guests needs and provide an authentic Mykonian experience. All Hilltop Rooms & Suites are spacious with unique design elements, fabrics, furnishings and textured details. They are built in traditional Cycladic style and their facilities include air conditioning, satellite LCD TV and a luxurious beverage center curated with local snacks & drinks.

Enjoy the sense of privacy and promixity to all that Mykonos has to offer:

Located a mere 250m away from the main Belvedere Hotel complex, Hilltop Rooms & Suites offers guests a complimentary electric shuttle service so they can enjoy the best of both worlds: the Hilltop's breathtaking views and residential aura and the Belvedere's buzzing gourmet & cocktail scene, including the Matsuhisa restaurant and the Sunken Watermelon bar, among others. Guests can also partake in the wellness delights of the Belvedere Fitness Studio and the renowned Six Senses Spa, while breakfast can either be enjoyed in the serenity of their private balcony, terrace or garden or at the Belvedere pool buffet. The Hilltop's specially appointed hosts can help facilitate requests throughout the day, while the Magic Garden, exclusively available to Hilltop denizens, is the perfect place to treat your friends with delicious cocktails and snacks in the privacy of your home away from home.

Hilltop Rooms & Suites by Belvedere

The new Hilltop Rooms & Suites offer 26 spacious units designed to host up to 3 guests, this newly residential accommodation option is ideal for travelers seeking proximity to Mykonos heartbeat yet looking for privacy and impeccable hotel service. Every single one of Hilltop luxury rooms and suites comes with breathtaking views of Mykonos Town and the Aegean Sea.

The luxury rooms feature outdoor pools, jacuzzis or large yards to cover all guests needs and provide an authentic Mykonian experience. All Hilltop Rooms & Suites are spacious with unique design elements, fabrics, furnishings and textured details. They are built in traditional Cycladic style and their facilities include air conditioning, satellite LCD TV and a luxurious beverage center curated with local snacks & drinks.

Enjoy the sense of privacy and promixity to all that Mykonos has to offer:

Located a mere 250m away from the main Belvedere Hotel complex, Hilltop Rooms & Suites offers guests a complimentary electric shuttle service so they can enjoy the best of both worlds: the Hilltop's breathtaking views and residential aura and the Belvedere's buzzing gourmet & cocktail scene, including the Matsuhisa restaurant and the Sunken Watermelon bar, among others. Guests can also partake in the wellness delights of the Belvedere Fitness Studio and the renowned Six Senses Spa, while breakfast can either be enjoyed in the serenity of their private balcony, terrace or garden or at the Belvedere pool buffet. The Hilltop's specially appointed hosts can help facilitate requests throughout the day, while the Magic Garden, exclusively available to Hilltop denizens, is the perfect place to treat your friends with delicious cocktails and snacks in the privacy of your home away from home.

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