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Descrierea Hotelului

Accommodation in the heart of Mykonos Town

Welcome to the Belvedere Hotel Mykonos, a treasured member of The Leading Hotels of the World.
Elegantly shifting throughout the decades, the Belvedere has established itself among the best luxury hotels in Mykonos, carrying the essence of old Mykonos into the modern age and transforming nostalgia into a genuinely unforgettable hospitality experience. Anchored in Cycladic grandeur, the Belvedere is highlighted by exclusive accommodation options all thoughtfully located in the heart of Mykonos, near Mykonos Town.
The Main Hotel boasts pristine white buildings that blend into a harmonious microcosm, played out against the turquoise backdrop of the mesmerising pool.

Through the luxury hotel’s stone walled gates, one walks into an impossibly charming bougainvillea clad courtyard. Entering the design five star hotel lobby, one soon discovers the understated elegance, design genius and rich history that have established the Belvedere Hotel as a truly iconic luxury boutique hotel overlooking Mykonos town.

Belvedere Restaurants and Bars

For over 16 years, the Belvedere has had the honour of providing guests with a supreme gastronomical journey brought by the renowned chef Nobu Matsuhisa.
If you still haven’t found your way to the best sushi in Mykonos, follow the sign “Finding Nobu” within the premises and you will discover the Matsuhisa Mykonos Restaurant, the first outdoor Matsuhisa restaurant in the world. Would you prefer a more private dining experience, Thea Estiatorio might be the right place for you. Located on a small terrace by the Belvedere pool, the awarded Greek Cuisine restaurant celebrates reinvented traditional dishes that always stay true to Belvedere’s story.

Wellness and Recreation at the Belvedere

At the Belvedere you can have the experience of a lifetime whilst taking care of your well-being. The Six Senses Spa inhabits a serene space where luxurious spa treatments are performed by sensational local and international practitioners. Over at the Belvedere Pool Club, you instantly become a proud owner of a sunbed and a towel set for the day while indulging in optional privileges such as spa tapas, energising juices and delicious finger food.

Boutique Shops at your Doorstep

While you can explore the shops in Mykonos, the Belvedere Hotel is the only place where you can gaze at Eugenie Niarchos’ remarkable retro-futuristic jewellery, at the Venyx Boutique. Another boutique shopping experience at hand, without leaving the confines of the hotel, is the lovely Belvedere Shop. A well-curated selection of Greek fashion and jewellery complemented by a tightly-edited roster of imported brands that speak to the island spirit await you.

  Αρ. ΜΗΤΕ: 1173-Κ014-Α031-0700

Accommodation in the heart of Mykonos Town

Welcome to the Belvedere Hotel Mykonos, a treasured member of The Leading Hotels of the World.
Elegantly shifting throughout the decades, the Belvedere has established itself among the best luxury hotels in Mykonos, carrying the essence of old Mykonos into the modern age and transforming nostalgia into a genuinely unforgettable hospitality experience. Anchored in Cycladic grandeur, the Belvedere is highlighted by exclusive accommodation options all thoughtfully located in the heart of Mykonos, near Mykonos Town.
The Main Hotel boasts pristine white buildings that blend into a harmonious microcosm, played out against the turquoise backdrop of the mesmerising pool.

Through the luxury hotel’s stone walled gates, one walks into an impossibly charming bougainvillea clad courtyard. Entering the design five star hotel lobby, one soon discovers the understated elegance, design genius and rich history that have established the Belvedere Hotel as a truly iconic luxury boutique hotel overlooking Mykonos town.

Belvedere Restaurants and Bars

For over 16 years, the Belvedere has had the honour of providing guests with a supreme gastronomical journey brought by the renowned chef Nobu Matsuhisa.
If you still haven’t found your way to the best sushi in Mykonos, follow the sign “Finding Nobu” within the premises and you will discover the Matsuhisa Mykonos Restaurant, the first outdoor Matsuhisa restaurant in the world. Would you prefer a more private dining experience, Thea Estiatorio might be the right place for you. Located on a small terrace by the Belvedere pool, the awarded Greek Cuisine restaurant celebrates reinvented traditional dishes that always stay true to Belvedere’s story.

Wellness and Recreation at the Belvedere

At the Belvedere you can have the experience of a lifetime whilst taking care of your well-being. The Six Senses Spa inhabits a serene space where luxurious spa treatments are performed by sensational local and international practitioners. Over at the Belvedere Pool Club, you instantly become a proud owner of a sunbed and a towel set for the day while indulging in optional privileges such as spa tapas, energising juices and delicious finger food.

Boutique Shops at your Doorstep

While you can explore the shops in Mykonos, the Belvedere Hotel is the only place where you can gaze at Eugenie Niarchos’ remarkable retro-futuristic jewellery, at the Venyx Boutique. Another boutique shopping experience at hand, without leaving the confines of the hotel, is the lovely Belvedere Shop. A well-curated selection of Greek fashion and jewellery complemented by a tightly-edited roster of imported brands that speak to the island spirit await you.

  Αρ. ΜΗΤΕ: 1173-Κ014-Α031-0700

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În perioada 27-31.03.2024 am avut deosebită satisfacție de a vizita prin intermediul Hello Halydais metropola fascinanta, plina de istorie tumultuoasa-Istambul. A fost o experienta memorabila prin fa...

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În perioada 27-31.03.2024 am avut deosebită satisfacție de a vizita prin intermediul Hello Halydais metropola fascinanta, plina de istorie tumultuoasa-Istambul. A fost o experienta memorabila prin fa...

Monac Constantin, 05.04.2024 Citeste mai mult

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