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Descrierea Hotelului

Belvedere Waterfront Villa

Built sometime in the late 60s, the “phantom villa” was a clandestine property most people had only ever glimpsed in passing. This former residence, discreetly hiding behind a bougainvillea-framed wall, was the first private home to boast its very own pool and has since acquired a faithful following. Inspired by authentic Greek décor, our private villa impresses even the most discerning traveler. Totally secluded, offering stunning views of the Aegean Sea and the breathtaking sunset, the Belvedere Waterfront Villa promises a treasured experience.

Its central location – a mere 5min walk from the Belvedere Mykonos Hotel – positions it in the middle of two worlds: the undisturbed serenity of the Aegean Sea and the siren call of Mykonos Town. Fully designed by Concept Boarding and fully serviced by the Belvedere Hotel, this cozy hideaway oozes tranquility and cosmopolitan luxury, offering a wondrous sense of seclusion, while still maintaining a direct line of communication with the hustle and bustle of downtown. The Belvedere Luxury Villa is divided into three suites that can be rented individually or as an ensemble. Each suite ranges from 50m² to 76m² and the entire luxurious Villa sleeps up to 9 guests with a built-in butler service for smooth sailing (Approximately 725m2 outdoor space).

Guests can enjoy a private dining experience from the Matsuhisa Mykonos and Thea Estiatorio. Also all guests have access to the Belvedere Fitness Studio, Six Senses Spa, the Pool Club and room service from the main hotel complex.

The Belvedere Villa can be either booked as one residence or as three separate suites. 

                                                                                                    Αρ. ΜΗΤΕ: 1173-K114-K089-5701



Belvedere Waterfront Villa

Built sometime in the late 60s, the “phantom villa” was a clandestine property most people had only ever glimpsed in passing. This former residence, discreetly hiding behind a bougainvillea-framed wall, was the first private home to boast its very own pool and has since acquired a faithful following. Inspired by authentic Greek décor, our private villa impresses even the most discerning traveler. Totally secluded, offering stunning views of the Aegean Sea and the breathtaking sunset, the Belvedere Waterfront Villa promises a treasured experience.

Its central location – a mere 5min walk from the Belvedere Mykonos Hotel – positions it in the middle of two worlds: the undisturbed serenity of the Aegean Sea and the siren call of Mykonos Town. Fully designed by Concept Boarding and fully serviced by the Belvedere Hotel, this cozy hideaway oozes tranquility and cosmopolitan luxury, offering a wondrous sense of seclusion, while still maintaining a direct line of communication with the hustle and bustle of downtown. The Belvedere Luxury Villa is divided into three suites that can be rented individually or as an ensemble. Each suite ranges from 50m² to 76m² and the entire luxurious Villa sleeps up to 9 guests with a built-in butler service for smooth sailing (Approximately 725m2 outdoor space).

Guests can enjoy a private dining experience from the Matsuhisa Mykonos and Thea Estiatorio. Also all guests have access to the Belvedere Fitness Studio, Six Senses Spa, the Pool Club and room service from the main hotel complex.

The Belvedere Villa can be either booked as one residence or as three separate suites. 

                                                                                                    Αρ. ΜΗΤΕ: 1173-K114-K089-5701



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