× Hello Holidays


Stalis, Creta-Heraklion, Grecia

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Cauta vacanta dorita

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Important! Anumite unitati de cazare au un minim de sedere intre 2-7 nopti.
In cazul in care cautarea dvs. nu a generat rezultate va rugam sa o refaceti pe un numar mai mare de nopti.
Camere la cerere - cu reconfirmare in max 48 de ore
Camere disponibile - cu confirmare imediata

Descrierea Hotelului

Food & Drinks

Zephyros Beach offers a great choice of food & drink in the two restaurants & three bars – everything from snacks to international, Cretan & vegan dishes, as well as a mouth-watering selection of Greek mezes, plus a full range of drinks options including cocktails and carefully selected wines. 


Local and international cuisine, healthy dishes and vegan options are served at the hotel’s main restaurant. Breakfast is served from 7.00hrs – 10.00hrs and dinner from 19.00hrs – 21.00hrs.


The All-day Bar by the main pool serves a wide range of beverages, refreshments, cocktails, as well as a selection of finger food, snacks and light meals from early in the morning until late at night.


It’s time for the sun, sea and sand! Order your drinks and snacks , lay back on your sun lounger and relax overlooking the blue waters of the Kritiko Pelagos.


Located in the main building, on the hotel’s lobby, this bar serves a selection of coffees, refreshments, alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks, as well as cocktails.


For a relaxed & informal evening of good food, drink and socializing, head for Kafenio at 86 St John St, the a la carte restaurant that serves up delicious treats in an understatedly elegant setting.


There comes a time when you just feel staying in the comfort and privacy of your room. The Hotel offers an extensive in-room dining menu from early breakfast to late-night.

Pool Selection at Zephyros Beach

With 2 outdoor freshwater pools to choose from, as well as a kid’s pool, there is plenty of space to stretch out and relax by the shimmering blue water. Enjoy a selection of cold drinks, beers & cocktails while you work on your tan, or indulge in an ice cream, fresh fruit or snacks, all available from the Pool Bar.

Zephyros Beach

As the name suggests, Zephyros Beach is right on the seafront, with a beautiful sandy beach leading into the crystal clear shallow waters. With comfortable sunloungers & umbrellas plus a beach waiter service available, you can lie back, order your drinks & snacks, and chill out to the gentle sound of waves lapping on the shore. Or have a go at some of the many activities offered by the organised Water-sports centre – anyone for waterskiing, SUP, kayaking, or trying out a jet-ski.

Sun loungers and umbrellas - extra charge!

Hotel Activities

For guests who like to be active, Zephyros Beach offers a small in-house gym, a pool table & a range of options at the Water-sports centre. The local area is perfect for those who like to run/jog, with a long stretch of sandy beach right in front of the hotel, and easy walking along the road outside for those who like to take a stroll.

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