× Hello Holidays


Corfu, Grecia

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Cauta vacanta dorita

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In cazul in care cautarea dvs. nu a generat rezultate va rugam sa o refaceti pe un numar mai mare de nopti.
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Descrierea Hotelului

ACHILLION LUXURY CORFU VILLA is located in the region of Perama, Corfu in a peaceful area with a breathtaking view of the Ionian Sea, 3 km from Ioannis Kapodistrias (Corfu) airport, 5 km from the town centre and very near to the beautiful and unique Pontikonisi. Within a 5 minute drive, we find the famous Achillion, one of the most well-known royal villas in Europe and, perhaps, the most important architectural site in Corfu. The Achillion Luxury Corfu Villa includes three independent renovated luxury suits with private parking for 3 cars and is fully furnished and equipped with all necessary facilities and free indoor and outdoor Wi-Fi. The “Senior Suite with Pool View” is located on the ground floor and it has a marvelous pool and sea view. It includes a big bedroom with a large bed with a flat-screen TV, A/C – heating and a spacious kitchen equipped with all electrical appliances (large 2-door refrigerator, microwave oven, dishwasher, washing machine, iron and iron board). It also has a sitting room, an internal fire place for cold and winter nights and a spacious bathroom with 2 showers, 2 sinks and a hair dryer. The “Majestic Loft Suite with indoor hot tub” is an open-planed suite located on the first floor of the villa with individual front door. It includes a large bed with a flat-screen TV, A/C – heating and a kitchen equipped with all electrical appliances (refrigerator, microwave oven, washing machine, iron and iron board). It also has a sitting room with sea view and a bathroom with steam/jacuzzi, 2 showers, 2 sinks and a hair dryer. The “Panoramic Loft Suite with indoor hot tub” is an open-planed suite located on the second floor of the villa with individual front door. It includes a large bed with a flat-screen TV, A/C – heating and a kitchen equipped with all electrical appliances (refrigerator, microwave oven, washing machine, iron and iron board). It also has a sitting room with sea view and a bathroom with steam/jacuzzi, 2 showers, 2 sinks and a hair dryer. Public transport is also available and there is a bus stop within a 5-minute walk from the villa. The beautiful beaches are also very close by (about 800 m) together with fish taverns, supermarkets, fruit markets, kiosks, clubs, cafeterias, etc. One shouldn’t forget the historical and archeological sites for which one can obtain information on the spot. Interaction with Guests Guests wishing to be informed of Corfu sightseeing can do so through brochures and maps that can be found at the suites. Getting Around Guests can use public transport but we recommend car rental so that they can explore the island at their own pace. For your information, you can rent your preferred car from all the major car rental companies online. Finally, we would like to inform you that there is a 24-hour taxi service. We would like to inform you that smoking is forbidden. Pets are not allowed in the suites. We expect you to respect the house and keep it clean as if it were your own. Check-in time is 14:30 - 23:00 Check-out time is 8:30- 11:00

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