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Descrierea Hotelului

Renowned for its friendly atmosphere and high level of service, Alkionis Hotel has become the ideal holiday hotel in Corfu for adults and children of all ages in the Ionian islands. A warm family atmosphere combined with high quality comforts is a guarantee for unforgettable holidays in Corfu.

The unique location in the center of the picturesque and vivid Moraitica, not far from the finest beach, offers the chance of relaxing holiday accommodation and entertainment from morning to night, always with a personal touch and family hospitality.

All rooms provide bathroom with bath or shower, hairdryer, A/C, direct phone line, satelite TV, music channel, individual safe deposit box, fridge, and has balcony with direct view to the mountain or to the garden.

All hotel guests can also participate in the activities and watch the entertainment program offered by affiliated Hotel Albatros.

Everyday they can participate in beach volley, water basket και water polo tournaments at the Hotel Albatros facilities. Team lessons are also offered: gymnastics, dancing, cooking, aqua gym, etc. Or they can just spent some free time in the garden playing table tennis, darts, shuffle board, French Bowls, volley ball and other various games.

A friendly and motivated Animation team is responsible for the daytime activities and for the guest entertainment. Evening games and competitions, sketch and cabaret shows, beach parties, live music and dance nights are part of the colorful entertainment offered at Hotel Albatros.

Hotel Albatros also cares about the entertainment as well as the safety of the little guests. They can spend their time at the outdoor children playground near the beach or at the indoor Mini club. Under the supervision of specialized personnel in the Mini Club the little guests can enjoy children entertainment or spend some creative time.

Renowned for its friendly atmosphere and high level of service, Alkionis Hotel has become the ideal holiday hotel in Corfu for adults and children of all ages in the Ionian islands. A warm family atmosphere combined with high quality comforts is a guarantee for unforgettable holidays in Corfu.

The unique location in the center of the picturesque and vivid Moraitica, not far from the finest beach, offers the chance of relaxing holiday accommodation and entertainment from morning to night, always with a personal touch and family hospitality.

All rooms provide bathroom with bath or shower, hairdryer, A/C, direct phone line, satelite TV, music channel, individual safe deposit box, fridge, and has balcony with direct view to the mountain or to the garden.

All hotel guests can also participate in the activities and watch the entertainment program offered by affiliated Hotel Albatros.

Everyday they can participate in beach volley, water basket και water polo tournaments at the Hotel Albatros facilities. Team lessons are also offered: gymnastics, dancing, cooking, aqua gym, etc. Or they can just spent some free time in the garden playing table tennis, darts, shuffle board, French Bowls, volley ball and other various games.

A friendly and motivated Animation team is responsible for the daytime activities and for the guest entertainment. Evening games and competitions, sketch and cabaret shows, beach parties, live music and dance nights are part of the colorful entertainment offered at Hotel Albatros.

Hotel Albatros also cares about the entertainment as well as the safety of the little guests. They can spend their time at the outdoor children playground near the beach or at the indoor Mini club. Under the supervision of specialized personnel in the Mini Club the little guests can enjoy children entertainment or spend some creative time.

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Am sosit aseara din acest circuit,unde l-am avut ca si ghid pe dl.Ion RACHERU(o adevrarata enciclopedie mobila).In primul rand ,,FELICITARI !"dl Ion Racheru pentru tot ceea ce a-ti facut in acest cir...

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Super ghid, domnul Radu N.???? dar și domnul șofer Ștefan D. ✨️ Cu siguranță voi mai călători cu această agenție!!

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