× Hello Holidays

Almare on the Beach

Creta, Creta-Heraklion, Grecia

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Descrierea Hotelului

Crete, the biggest island of Greece is the crossroad between three continents. The island with important history and invaluable archaeological findings is divided in 4 districts, each one with its own history. The district of Heraklion is in the middle of the island offering a lot of sights, such as the ancient city of Knossos and the museum of Heraklion with archaeological treasures, cosmopolitan villages but also villages for a quiet and enjoyable vacation, where someone can admire nature in its greatness. Almare Beach is situated in the village of Kokkini Hani, just 12 km east of the capital Heraklion. Due to its location at the beach (sandy beach about 40m), it offers the perfect holiday experience with magnificent moments in relaxing atmosphere. Cretan hospitality and warmth combined with excellent service are waiting for you to make your vacation unforgettable. Because of its central location Almare Beach gives its guests the possibility to reach all destinations very easy and quickly. Only 3 km away you can visit the biggest Aquarium of the Balkans. Moreover there is a public bus station in front of the hotel, where from you can easily start for excursions in all directions. In the village centre of Kokkini Hani there are many cafes, bars, taverns, restaurants and shops, for everything you could possibly need. If you want to have a closer look at the Cretan nightlife, Chersonissos, which is only 10 minutes drive from the hotel, is the right place. There are numerous bars and discos, offering fun all night long.

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