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Amalia Hotel Nafplion

Peloponez, Grecia

  • 4

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Descrierea Hotelului

Nafplion was Greece’s first capital at the beginning of the 19th century. The old city has an amazing beauty that combines centuries of history: ancient, neoclassical and modern. Amalia Hotel Nauplia is a neoclassical building set in spacious and beautiful gardens. Just a few minutes drive from the center of Nafplion, the hotel is close enough for your walks around the picturesque alleys of the town, and far enough to enjoy the serenity and beauty of the area. It offers luxurious accommodation with 171 spacious rooms, ample lobby areas, cosy piano bar with fire place, café, and restaurant. The atrium is an ideal place for late afternoon drinks during the summer months, while around the swimming pool refreshments and snacks are offered throughout the day. Internet access is offered complimentary throughout the hotel, by WiFi in public areas and by cable in rooms. Restaurants & Bars Main Restaurant Located on the hotel’s ground floor and next to the beautiful gardens, the main restaurant serves a rich American buffet breakfast, and during the day you can enjoy a buffet or a la carte lunch or dinner with tastes from the Greek and Mediterranean cuisine. Poolside Café The ideal place to relax during the day. Our large swimming pool is one of the hotel’s focal points. Around the pool you can enjoy coffee, fresh juices, refreshing drinks or a light snack. Lobby Bar Two comfortable salons and an exquisite bar with unique warm colored decoration await you to enjoy your drinks before or after your walks around the city of Nafplion. A warm, cozy feeling surrounds the place and the music of the piano will relax your senses in the evenings. Meetings & Events Amalia Hotel Nauplia offers the ideal setting for your meetings, incentives or social events. With a meeting space with a total capacity of 400 persons in the meeting rooms and 800 persons in the gardens and around the pool the Amalia Hotel Nauplia is the perfect place to organize your events.   AREA NAME  Total m2  Height   Theatre   Classroom   U Shape   Cocktail    Banquet Nemea 230 2.85 270 200 80 240 180 Nemea Foyer   54 3.35 -- -- -- -- -- Antigoni   161 2.86 160 120 50 170 100 Ermioni 75 3.25 40 30 25 90 60 Boardroom 1   39 3.55 30 20 18 30 40  

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