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Axor Feria Hotel

Madrid, Spania

  • 4

Cauta vacanta dorita

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Important! Anumite unitati de cazare au un minim de sedere intre 2-7 nopti.
In cazul in care cautarea dvs. nu a generat rezultate va rugam sa o refaceti pe un numar mai mare de nopti.
Camere la cerere - cu reconfirmare in max 48 de ore
Camere disponibile - cu confirmare imediata

Descrierea Hotelului

The hotel HOTEL AXOR FERIA is located only 200 m away from the nearest bars and restaurants. The old town is around 11 km away. A supermarket and other shops you reach after around 300 m. There is a shuttle service between the hotel and the airport. The hotel HOTEL AXOR FERIA is located only 200 m away from the nearest bars and restaurants. The old town is around 11 km away. A supermarket and other shops you reach after around 300 m. There is a shuttle service between the hotel and the airport. Nearby there is a cinema which offers entertainment in high season. The seasonally air-conditioned hotel is equipped with a 24h reception (check-in is possible around the clock), a lobby bar, Wi-Fi, internet access, 3 lifts, a jacuzzi as well as parking spaces (for a fee). In the outdoor area of the property you will find a garden as well as a supervised pool, where sun loungers are available for free. Your valuables can be stored in the hotel safe. In addition, the hotel HOTEL AXOR FERIA is video-monitored 24h a day. There is also an ironing service. The energy supply is 220 Volts. For conventions and other business meetings, the hotel offers a conference area with a total of 200 seats. Dogs up to 15 kg are the only pets allowed in the hotel (on request). For guests on their honeymoon, the hotel has special offers such as special honeymoon packages. Due to its barrier-free facilities , such as barrier-free entrances, wheelchair accessible rooms and wheelchair-accessible bathrooms, the hotel is also suitable for wheelchair users. Catering Breakfast is offered from the buffet. Enjoy your lunch as a set meal or à la carte. Dinner is served à la carte. For the meals, there are a restaurant (gluten-free and vegetarian dishes) and a bar as well as the cafeteria. Distances Airport: approx. 4 km Bus stop: approx. 200 m Taxi rank: approx. 10 m Pharmacy: approx. 200 m Hospital: approx. 8 km Nearest bank: approx. 350 m Nearest highway: approx. 250 m Subway station: approx. 1,8 km Nearest park: approx. 300 m Additional information The accommodation has a total of 238 rooms. This hotel is gay-friendly. The hotel staff speak English, French and Spanish.

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