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Bahar Boutique Hotel

Salonic, Grecia

  • 4

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Descrierea Hotelului

The combination of the city’s liveliness and the hotel’s serenity offers to our guests a unique and delighted experience. Bahar Boutique Hotel is a fully renovated and redesigned preserved building with 16 modern rooms which offer a luxury accommodation in the heart of Thessaloniki. The hotel combines the architecture of the 20th century with modern features giving the sense of a a unique elegance. The luxury amenities and our friendly staff with a 24hour reception make your stay an unforgettable experience! The location of the hotel is ideal for those who visit Thessaloniki for business or leisure. The hotel is within walking distance from the city’s main attractions, such as the Port of Thessalonki, the Aristotelous Square, the Jewish Museum, the Railway station, all the Shops, restaurants and bars. The building Bahar Boutique Hotel is situated in “Emporiou” square at the corner of Katouni and Edessis street and was built between 1926-1931 by the first owners of Adam Ladeni’s family. Since then and until 2008 it was used as a Shop center. Our family bought the building in 2008 and has been fully redesigned with respect to its history and decorative features. The hotel has a unique elegant design inside and outside and has been recognized as a piece of Art from the Center of Modern Monuments of the Ministry of Culture. Bahar Around the shopping square earlier in time (but also today) there were housed lots of commercial shops selling spices, herbs and other refine products. We wished to construct a hotel utterly related with the region’s features. For this reason we named it BAHAR, a name that phonetically refers to the spices, the scents and the senses that stimulated. A spice is the dehydrated part of a plant containing aromatic, spicy and caustic substances. Spices can come from leaves, seeds, fruits, bulbs and cortex. They are parts of living organisms that are reformed and have a long lifespan. In Turkish, Bahar means Spring, the season when the blooming starts and metaphorically the birth and development of new things. Thus, we wished to merge into its name all those old but yet living features of the area in order not to preserve but also highlight them and make them an integral part of modern Thessaloniki.

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