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In cazul in care cautarea dvs. nu a generat rezultate va rugam sa o refaceti pe un numar mai mare de nopti.
Camere la cerere - cu reconfirmare in max 48 de ore
Camere disponibile - cu confirmare imediata

Descrierea Hotelului

This guesthouse offers attractive accommodation, just metres from the auditorium of the Palau de la Musica in Valencia with direct connections (metro, bus, taxi) to the airport, railway station and central bus station. The property is a 15-minute walk from the famous City of Arts and Sciences. The guesthouse is close to the Mestalla football stadium, Colon metro station is about 600 m away and connects to the main train station in Valencia, just 1 stop away. The establishment is also located within walking distance to many cafés, bars and restaurants. Valencias Old Yown and cathedral are less than 2 km away. Valencia Airport is about 10 km away and Alicante Airport is about 196 km away.||The comfortable air-conditioned guesthouse has parquet flooring and 18 rooms. Guests are welcomed in the lobby, which offers disabled access to the building, luggage storage and lift access to the upper floors. The hotel also has a childrens playground and Internet access (wireless Internet access available for a fee). Additional amenities include room service and bicycle hire.||All rooms feature a shower, a bath and a hairdryer, as well as a double bed, a TV and Internet access. Additional amenities include air conditioning and individually regulated heating, as well as a terrace.||Guests can make use of the heated swimming pool and fans of the fairway can visit El Saler golf club about 1 km away. La playa de la Malvarrosa, the sandy beach, is about 3 km away and offers sun loungers and parasols.||Guests are served breakfast each morning..This guesthouse offers attractive accommodation, just metres from the auditorium of the Palau de la Musica in Valencia with direct connections (metro, bus, taxi) to the airport, railway station and central bus station. The property is a 15-minute walk from the famous City of Arts and Sciences. The guesthouse is close to the Mestalla football stadium, Colon metro station is about 600 m away and connects to the main train station in Valencia, just 1 stop away. The establishment is also located within walking distance to many cafés, bars and restaurants. Valencias Old Yown and cathedral are less than 2 km away. Valencia Airport is about 10 km away and Alicante Airport is about 196 km away..All rooms feature a shower, a bath and a hairdryer, as well as a double bed, a TV and Internet access. Additional amenities include air conditioning and individually regulated heating, as well as a terrace..Guests are served breakfast each morning..Guests can make use of the heated swimming pool and fans of the fairway can visit El Saler golf club about 1 km away. La playa de la Malvarrosa, the sandy beach, is about 3 km away and offers sun loungers and parasols..Please note that there is no permanent reception. Reception hours are Monday to Saturday from noon to 2 pm and from 4 pm to 8 pm. Sunday: noon to 4 pm..JCB, MasterCard and VISA are accepted at this hotel. Some debit cards are also accepted.

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