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Best Western Kom Hotel Stockholm

Stockholm, Suedia

  • 3

Cauta vacanta dorita

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Important! Anumite unitati de cazare au un minim de sedere intre 2-7 nopti.
In cazul in care cautarea dvs. nu a generat rezultate va rugam sa o refaceti pe un numar mai mare de nopti.
Camere la cerere - cu reconfirmare in max 48 de ore
Camere disponibile - cu confirmare imediata

Descrierea Hotelului

As a guest at the Best Western Kom Hotel Stockholm, you not only have an ideal location in the city center, but also a welcoming and homely atmosphere. With our 143 rooms and conference facilities the hotel is just as good whether you are here for business or pleasure. The hotel is owned by the YWCA-YMCA Central which is a non-profit organization with over 2,000 members, ranging from basketball, gymnastics, camps for music, choirs, orchestras, youth choir and more. All of our profits go to the YWCA-YMCA Centralapos;s children and youth. The rooms are spacious and have good workspace and Wi-Fi. All rooms also have shower, hair dryer, iron, ironing board, safe, and free television. Garage is available but must be pre booked as we have limited space. Guests have free access to the gym, so you can stay in shape even when youapos;re on the road. The gym is well equipped and has changing rooms plus a sauna. The dining room serves a large breakfast buffet each morning. The Best Western Kom Hotel Stockholm is certified by Ecolabel, which means that we do our utmost to reduce energy consumption and use of chemicals. Here you can sleep with good conscience. From January 1, 2018, Best Western Kom Hotel is entirely cash free. It will be faster and easier for you as a guest and you will be contributing to the safety of our staff. You can pay with all major credit cards or prepayment via 3rd party authorization. Thank you for your understanding and for helping us make our working environment safer.As a guest at the Best Western Kom Hotel Stockholm, you not only have an ideal location in the city center, but also a welcoming and homely atmosphere. With our 143 rooms and conference facilities the hotel is just as good whether you are here for business or pleasure. The hotel is owned by the YWCA-YMCA Central which is a non-profit organization with over 2,000 members, ranging from basketball, gymnastics, camps for music, choirs, orchestras, youth choir and more. All of our profits go to the YWCA-YMCA Centralapos;s children and youth. The rooms are spacious and have good workspace and Wi-Fi. All rooms also have shower, hair dryer, iron, ironing board, safe, and free television. Garage is available but must be pre booked as we have limited space. Guests have free access to the gym, so you can stay in shape even when youapos;re on the road. The gym is well equipped and has changing rooms plus a sauna. The dining room serves a large breakfast buffet each morning. The Best Western Kom Hotel Stockholm is certified by Ecolabel, which means that we do our utmost to reduce energy consumption and use of chemicals. Here you can sleep with good conscience. From January 1, 2018, Best Western Kom Hotel is entirely cash free. It will be faster and easier for you as a guest and you will be contributing to the safety of our staff. You can pay with all major credit cards or prepayment via 3rd party authorization. Thank you for your understanding and for helping us make our working environment safer.

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Azi 10 03 2024 am fost intr o excursie de 1 zi minunată, multumesc atât șoferului cât și ghidului ptr faptul că ne au facut ziua frumoasă

Constantin Marinita, 10.03.2024 Citeste mai mult

Nu am calatorit cu d-vs, dar mi-as dori!

Labont Eugenia, 12.02.2024 Citeste mai mult

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