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Checkin Concordia Playa

Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Spania

  • 4

Cauta vacanta dorita

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Important! Anumite unitati de cazare au un minim de sedere intre 2-7 nopti.
In cazul in care cautarea dvs. nu a generat rezultate va rugam sa o refaceti pe un numar mai mare de nopti.
Camere la cerere - cu reconfirmare in max 48 de ore
Camere disponibile - cu confirmare imediata

Descrierea Hotelului

Checkin Concordia Playa is located in a privileged area of Puerto de la Cruz, the smallest municipality in Tenerife, which contains splendid places such as its historic center or a wide seafront, perfect for long walks. The location is ideal to enjoy the lively nightlife with shops, bars and restaurants, as well as the beaches, the Hotel is just 100 meters from the Martiánez lakes and 40 meters from the nearest beach. . Although this is the smallest municipality in Tenerife, covering just 8.7 km2, Puerto de la Cruz has plenty of appeal with its protected historic quarter and its seemingly endless coast, which is perfect for long, leisurely walks. Puerto de la Cruz spans the coastal part of the Valley of La Orotava in a stunning setting, with the mighty silhouette of Mount Teide rising 3,718 m high in the background. Its wonderful climate made this the first tourist destination in the Canary Islands, ever since the British Medical Society recommended it in the 19th century as an ideal retreat. The temperature here ranges from 15 to 22 ºC, meaning the sea, the fresh air and the relaxed atmosphere can be enjoyed all year round. . PET FRIENDLY - GENERAL RULES · We accept 1 pet per apartment or room (dog or cat) · Maximum de 8 kg. . A supplement of 15 euros per pet/night will be applied . According to the hotelâ¿¿s internal regulations, pet bookings will be located on floors 1 and 2 . All pets must be completely free of fleas and ticks, clean, well groomed, up to date with their vaccines and deworming. . Under no cirmunstances may a pet be bathed in guests bathroom. . Guests should hang the privacy sign on the door handle which tells the staff that they are not allowed in the room. . Pets should always be kept on a leash when out of the room and on the hotel facilities. · It is strictly forbidden for pets to access the hotelâ¿¿s Restaurant and Bar. . In any case a pet can bathe in guestsâ¿¿ bathroom. . The hotel has 236 recently renovated rooms, spread over 10 floors, including Standard and Premium rooms. Standard â¿¢ Renovated and exterior â¿¢ Maximum capacity 3 pax Premium â¿¢ Welcome pack â¿¢ Mini fridge with selection of welcome drinks â¿¢ Early amp; Late check out subject to availability â¿¢ Side sea view

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