Halkidiki, Halkidiki, Grecia
- 3
Cauta vacanta dorita
Alege vacanta dorita completand campurile de mai jos
Descrierea Hotelului
Situated on the seafront only a short walk distance from the quaint fishing village of Nea Skioni, Crown hotel promises a laid-back summer. The property consists of the main building backed by the lush forest, with a restaurant overlooking the front lawn, separated from the beach by the street. With no more than 37 rooms, privacy is ensured in every way. Guests can enjoy the beach sunbeds and umbrellas or have their lunch at one of the nearby taverns serving the mornings catch. Nea Skioni is a small but busy fishing village in the Thermaic Gulf, 9 km across the hill from Hanioti, and 103 km from the Thessaloniki airport. While there, we suggest you try the coffee or ouze at one of the cafes, check out the souvenir stores selling locally produced honey and olive oil or try the trails that lead through coastal pines to the ruins of the Ancient City of Skioni and fresco-filled 16th-century church Panagia Faneromeni. ROOMS: Apartment sea view 2-4 pax, max 3 adults Studio sea view 2-3 pax, max 3 adultsDatorita dinamicitatii domeniului disponibilitatea ofertelor se modifica de la un moment la altul. De aceea ofertele sunt valabile in limita locurilor disponibile. Agentia nu este responsabila pentru eventualele neconcordante care pot aparea intre informatiile privind tarifele si alte detalii din site si informatiile primite in agentie. In aceste cazuri vor avea prioritate, intotdeauna, informatiile primite in agentie.
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