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Descrierea Hotelului

The following services and amenities are available, but with reduced service: Breakfast, Room Service.The following services and amenities are currently not available: Business Center, On-site Restaurant(s).Feel welcome the moment you arrive at DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel London – Chelsea with a warm, chocolate chip cookie at check-in. Enjoy an attractive location moments from the banks of the River Thames, in the heart of Chelseaapos;s prestigious Imperial Wharf. Take advantage of easy access to the Chelsea and Fulham Football Clubs and Londonapos;s most popular attractions, including Kensington Palace and the Victoria and Albert Museum. From our contemporary hotel in Chelsea, guests can easily discover the stylish restaurants and bars, independent shops and designer boutiques of Kings Road. The Imperial Wharf Train Station is located just across the road from our stylish Chelsea hotel; Fulham Broadway tube station is 15 minutesapos; walk away and the River Bus can be taken from nearby Chelsea Harbour. All of the inviting guest rooms at this Chelsea hotel feature beautiful Laura Ashley décor and contemporary amenities designed to help you relax and stay productive. Watch Freeview channels on the 26-inch flat-screen TV, check emails with complimentary WiFi at the large, well-lit desk and refresh in the spacious bathroom with complimentary toiletries. Upgrade to a bright and comfortable suite, offering additional living space and wonderful city views. Start your day with a delicious breakfast in our stylish onsite restaurant and recharge with your favorite hot drink and a sweet treat in the coffee bar. After a busy day, unwind with a glass of wine and a tasty snack in our relaxed bar.The following services and amenities are available, but with reduced service: Breakfast, Room Service.The following services and amenities are currently not available: Business Center, On-site Restaurant(s).Feel welcome the moment you arrive at DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel London – Chelsea with a warm, chocolate chip cookie at check-in. Enjoy an attractive location moments from the banks of the River Thames, in the heart of Chelseaapos;s prestigious Imperial Wharf. Take advantage of easy access to the Chelsea and Fulham Football Clubs and Londonapos;s most popular attractions, including Kensington Palace and the Victoria and Albert Museum. From our contemporary hotel in Chelsea, guests can easily discover the stylish restaurants and bars, independent shops and designer boutiques of Kings Road. The Imperial Wharf Train Station is located just across the road from our stylish Chelsea hotel; Fulham Broadway tube station is 15 minutesapos; walk away and the River Bus can be taken from nearby Chelsea Harbour. All of the inviting guest rooms at this Chelsea hotel feature beautiful Laura Ashley décor and contemporary amenities designed to help you relax and stay productive. Watch Freeview channels on the 26-inch flat-screen TV, check emails with complimentary WiFi at the large, well-lit desk and refresh in the spacious bathroom with complimentary toiletries. Upgrade to a bright and comfortable suite, offering additional living space and wonderful city views. Start your day with a delicious breakfast in our stylish onsite restaurant and recharge with your favorite hot drink and a sweet treat in the coffee bar. After a busy day, unwind with a glass of wine and a tasty snack in our relaxed bar.

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