× Hello Holidays

Elia Palatino

Chania, Creta-Chania, Grecia

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Descrierea Hotelului

Elia Palatino is one of the edifices in front of the Venetian Harbor of Chania, which has been turned into a modern, cozy hotel while still retaining its historical architectural features. Elia Palatino is in the center of the Venetian harbor and comprises 6 rooms and one suite. Owing to its location, one has a panoramic view of the harbor and the lighthouse from the harbor facing rooms, while the rest of the rooms face the streets of the old town and the White Mountain range. The second-floor suite offers a panoramic view of the Venetian harbor and has a bedroom with a king size bed and a sitting room. All the rooms have air conditioning, a safe vault, an espresso coffee maker, a mini bar, hair dryer, satellite TV, phone and wi-fi. The Venetian Harbor was built between 1320-1356 and is an attraction for every visitor, but for the local inhabitants as well. It lends itself for a walk to all the sights of the old town (The Firkas Fortress, the Naval Museum, the Archaeological Museum, the Municipal Gallery, the Hebrew synagogue), but also for a stroll around the historic alleys bustling with life. Walking around the cobbled streets of the old town or the harbor pier you can do your shopping in one of the numerous stores or enjoy your drink and meal in one of the many restaurants. Vehicles are not allowed to enter the old town or the harbor. The nearest parking area is in Talos square, about 100m from the hotel.

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