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Descrierea Hotelului

The following services and amenities are available, but with **reduced service**: Concierge, Breakfast, On-site Restaurant(s), Room Service.The purpose built Coburg Court Hotel was first opened in 1907 and later changed to the Coburg Hotel in the early 1960apos;s. It was created by D. Joseph, the man responsible for many of the superstructures of several Underground stations. Now occupying this iconic building, Hilton London Hyde Park is set in this Grade II listed traditional red terracotta-clad Edwardian Townhouse with a prime location overlooking Britainapos;s most famous park at the entrance of Kensington Palace. In keeping with the hotelapos;s tradition, guest rooms are elegantly designed with the modern traveller in mind with a classic twist. Whether it is shopping, sightseeing or business that brings you to London, we aim to create a warm welcoming and homely atmosphere. Conveniently located in Bayswater on the corner of Queensway, named after Queen Victoria, this townhouse hotel is adjacent to two underground stations, Queensway and Bayswater, servicing the central, circle and district lines, meaning all Londonapos;s key destinations are within 20 minutes from the hotel. With Londonapos;s favourite Royal Park situated right in front of the hotel, enjoy a jog or a relaxing walk in Hyde Park. Kensington Palace, Serpentine Lake and the Diana Memorial Fountain will all be very interesting places to visit if you are on a leisure trip. You will also reach the shopping district (Oxford Street) within minutes, and the hotel is within walking distance of Portobello Antiques Market and Harrods. The hotel offers relaxed dining in the Library Lounge at the hotel and is based in the bustling Bayswater District that is bordered by Edgware Road, Kensington and Notting Hill, which are all known for their international gastronomic influences. All 136 guest rooms and one meeting room for up to 30 guests have high-speed wireless internet access.The following services and amenities are available, but with **reduced service**: Concierge, Breakfast, On-site Restaurant(s), Room Service.The purpose built Coburg Court Hotel was first opened in 1907 and later changed to the Coburg Hotel in the early 1960apos;s. It was created by D. Joseph, the man responsible for many of the superstructures of several Underground stations. Now occupying this iconic building, Hilton London Hyde Park is set in this Grade II listed traditional red terracotta-clad Edwardian Townhouse with a prime location overlooking Britainapos;s most famous park at the entrance of Kensington Palace. In keeping with the hotelapos;s tradition, guest rooms are elegantly designed with the modern traveller in mind with a classic twist. Whether it is shopping, sightseeing or business that brings you to London, we aim to create a warm welcoming and homely atmosphere. Conveniently located in Bayswater on the corner of Queensway, named after Queen Victoria, this townhouse hotel is adjacent to two underground stations, Queensway and Bayswater, servicing the central, circle and district lines, meaning all Londonapos;s key destinations are within 20 minutes from the hotel. With Londonapos;s favourite Royal Park situated right in front of the hotel, enjoy a jog or a relaxing walk in Hyde Park. Kensington Palace, Serpentine Lake and the Diana Memorial Fountain will all be very interesting places to visit if you are on a leisure trip. You will also reach the shopping district (Oxford Street) within minutes, and the hotel is within walking distance of Portobello Antiques Market and Harrods. The hotel offers relaxed dining in the Library Lounge at the hotel and is based in the bustling Bayswater District that is bordered by Edgware Road, Kensington and Notting Hill, which are all known for their international gastronomic influences. All 136 guest rooms and one meeting room for up to 30 guests have high-speed wireless internet access.

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