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NYX Esperia Palace Hotel Athens

Plaka, Creta-Heraklion, Grecia

  • 5

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Descrierea Hotelului

NYX Esperia Palace Athens - A brand new lifestyle hotel in Athens NYX Esperia Palace Athens radiates the unique and dynamic energy and spirit of Athens. This urban-style, sassy, 5-star hotel is situated on one of the most well-known avenues in Athens, the beautiful Stadiou Avenue, just steps away from from the heart of the Greek capital - Syntagma square.   You may be in Athens on a business trip or traveling with family and friends on vacation. Whatever brings you here, we’ve got a freshly meticulously designed room waiting for you, ensuring your holidays in Greece remain unforgettable.   The NYX hotel concept inspires guests to revel in all that Athens has to offer. It’s cool, trendy, and rock & roll style immerses them in a chic and contemporary lifestyle, elevating their Athens experience. Immediately upon entering the hotel, one basks in the unique ambiance created by the Artwork of the famous Greek street artist Gera 1. NYX Esperia Palace Athens is committed to taking care of our guests and the environment. We employ practices that help our surroundings flourish and reduce our footprint on the world as a whole. It’s all to make being eco-friendly an everyday lifestyle, not simply an aspiration. NYX Esperia Palace Athens boasts 212 luxurious bedrooms and suites. The hotel offers conference facilities, a main restaurant, a Bistro, Spa, Executive/Business lounge. What inspires you though is the rooftop restaurant-bar with pool as it overwhelms you  with a  breathtaking 360 view of  the Acropolis, the Lycabetus Mountain and the city of Athens. It’s like receiving Athens on your plate. NYX Esperia Palace Athens is more than just a hotel, it’s a one-of-a-kind lifetime experience!   Our Rooms – Stay in Style Each of our 212 freshly luxury rooms and suites were designed to make the most of our exceptional location in central Athens. .All decorated with custom designed wallpaper, sleek furniture and dark wooden floors with sensual lighting that sets the mood for a night out on the town.  Elegantly decorated in the hues and shades of this great city, enjoy natural sunlight and , in some rooms, views of the Acropolis, Lycabettus Mountain and urban landscapes. Whichever room or suite you choose, all the little details that make travel easier have been taken care of, from free Wi-Fi and Smart TVs to sleek en-suite bathrooms. Welcome to Athens!.

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