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12 Months Luxury Resort

Pelion, Grecia

  • 5

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Descrierea Hotelului

12 Months Luxury Resort «The absolute destination for memories of a lifetime...» Just 600m away from the Agia Paraskevi Square in the centre of Tsagarada and right in the heart of nature you can find the 5 star luxury resort, 12 Months Luxury Resort. A small village of 20 apartments in a place where relaxation, comfort and style are present 12 months a year. The absolute resort experience, in the middle of the evergreen forest of Mount Pelion, offering an enchanting view of the Aegean deep blue... Just 30 minutes away from the ski center of Mount Pelion and 7 km away from the beautiful Mylopotamos and the village of Agios Ioannis it is the ideal destination for every season of the year. Built on the side of the mountain in the middle of a dense forest of chestnut trees, 12 Months Luxury Resort is the best choice for recreation, peace and quiet on the East Pelion. Rejuvenate yourselves in the modern facilities of the hotels Spa Centre by enjoying one therapy or by choosing between the hammam, sauna or jacuzzi available. Melia Restaurant is ready to satisfy your gastronomic demands with tasty choices and special dishes. Enjoy your drink or your coffee next to our outdoor swimming pool or in the warm and welcoming 12 Café with a view of the vast Aegean sea. For your recreation and exercise there is a gym, a tennis court or a play room (billiard, ping-pong) in the hotel for you to choose from. Our 20 rooms and suites guarantee to offer you the comfort and the warmth you are looking for, combining the contemporary decoration with functionality and traditional architecture. Hiking, horse and canoe rides to the enchanting beaches are some of the activities you can combine. There are many choices to help you live the adventure of your life.

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Azi 10 03 2024 am fost intr o excursie de 1 zi minunată, multumesc atât șoferului cât și ghidului ptr faptul că ne au facut ziua frumoasă

Constantin Marinita, 10.03.2024 Citeste mai mult

Nu am calatorit cu d-vs, dar mi-as dori!

Labont Eugenia, 12.02.2024 Citeste mai mult

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