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14 Reasons Why Athens

Atena, Grecia

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Descrierea Hotelului

A concrete and steel atmosphere meets game-changing design and gives you 14 reasons to live an unforgettable hospitality experience! Enjoy your stay with us at the 14 Reasons Why Hotel which highlights the industrial vibes, created to fulfill the desires of passionate luxury travelers. An exclusive place where a simple journey turns into an unforgettable experience, thanks to the design, the environment, the attention to details, the impeccable cleanliness and the wide range of services available to our guests, all special! This newly-built city hotel offers upscale accommodation and personalized service exclusively designed for couples and adults. 14 rooms of varying sizes, each impeccably designed with a tasteful décor. Every detail has been passionately chosen and each room deserves a visit. All of our air-conditioned rooms featuring free WiFi, provide you with an LCD TV, minibar, espresso machine and electric kettle. The private bathrooms are designed in a minimalistic concrete style with shower, hair dryer and exclusive complimentary bathroom amenities. Soak yourself in our rooftop terrace and our crew will take a good care of you. Simply sit back, relax, and enjoy the panoramic view of the city. The unique designer furniture in our lobby invites you to enjoy a generous a la carte breakfast with fresh seasonal ingredients, prepared upon request by our chefs. You can choose from a variety of savory and sweet dishes, such as handmade cheese pie with scrambled eggs or pancakes with Greek pastry cream. The friendly front desk staff in our stylish reception takes care of all guest needs, booking excursions and guided tours, recommending clubs and restaurants to make your stay in Athens an unforgettable vacation or a productive business trip. A team of young, motivated, passionate hospitality professionals create for our guests the cosy atmosphere, and assist them as fully as they can to satisfy their every desire. Centrally located in Psiri, The 14 Reasons Why hotel is a 2-minute walk from Monastiraki Metro Station and Monastiraki Square. With such central location in Athens, it is a short walk from most attractions including Acropolis which is reachable on foot in 5 minutes. A concrete and steel atmosphere meets game-changing design and gives you 14 reasons to live an unforgettable hospitality experience! Enjoy your stay with us at the 14 Reasons Why Hotel which highlights the industrial vibes, created to fulfill the desires of passionate luxury travelers. An exclusive place where a simple journey turns into an unforgettable experience, thanks to the design, the environment, the attention to details, the impeccable cleanliness and the wide range of services available to our guests, all special! This newly-built city hotel offers upscale accommodation and personalized service exclusively designed for couples and adults. 14 rooms of varying sizes, each impeccably designed with a tasteful décor. Every detail has been passionately chosen and each room deserves a visit. All of our air-conditioned rooms featuring free WiFi, provide you with an LCD TV, minibar, espresso machine and electric kettle. The private bathrooms are designed in a minimalistic concrete style with shower, hair dryer and exclusive complimentary bathroom amenities. Soak yourself in our rooftop terrace and our crew will take a good care of you. Simply sit back, relax, and enjoy the panoramic view of the city. The unique designer furniture in our lobby invites you to enjoy a generous a la carte breakfast with fresh seasonal ingredients, prepared upon request by our chefs. You can choose from a variety of savory and sweet dishes, such as handmade cheese pie with scrambled eggs or pancakes with Greek pastry cream. The friendly front desk staff in our stylish reception takes care of all guest needs, booking excursions and guided tours, recommending clubs and restaurants to make your stay in Athens an unforgettable vacation or a productive business trip. A team of young, motivated, passionate hospitality professionals create for our guests the cosy atmosphere, and assist them as fully as they can to satisfy their every desire. Centrally located in Psiri, The 14 Reasons Why hotel is a 2-minute walk from Monastiraki Metro Station and Monastiraki Square. With such central location in Athens, it is a short walk from most attractions including Acropolis which is reachable on foot in 5 minutes.

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