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Aelia & Melitta Villas

Insula Aegina, Grecia

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Cauta vacanta dorita

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Descrierea Hotelului

On a hill overlooking the rustic fishing village of Perdika, a dreamy, privately owned, estate patiently awaits you. Amongst a serene oasis of flowers, olive, and citrus trees nestles Aelia Villa. Its gorgeous balcony offers a full view to the serene waters of the Saronic Gulf and come sunset the spectacular show where sun meets sea begins. What’s more, the entire estate is full of charming little spots ideal for reading a book and there’s also a gorgeous garden area for children to run around. Upon entering the Aelia Estate you will have to shake off the calm in order to walk past the stunning pool area into the actual Villa that promises nothing but top-notch amenities and comforts. Aelia Villa features 5 bedrooms, two sitting areas (ground floor and 1st floor), a playroom, a fully equipped kitchen, a laundry room, and an extra W.C. The bedrooms are equipped with lux mattresses and linen, spacious en-suite bathrooms with all necessary amenities, and ample closet space. The fully equipped kitchen includes a stove, oven, microwave, refrigerator, Nespresso coffee machine (including milk frother), electric water boiler, and toaster. Your stay at Aelia Villa will be comfortable regardless of the season, as the heating/ cooling system is centrally installed and functions according to the weather conditions. But if you want to get even cozier during the winter months, there’s always the fireplace. Wonder out to the pool area where the protagonist (a 14m x 7m pool with Jacuzzi and kiddie area) coolly sits provoking you to jump right in. The adjoining Pool House boasts a large outdoor dining table, a spacious indoor sitting and dining area, a fully equipped kitchen, a fireplace, and a W.C. Furthermore, if BBQ ing is your thing, we’ve got you covered. Getting to the Island is super easy. At an extra cost we can arrange a direct transfer to the port of Piraeus, either straight from the airport or from your Athens accommodation. The ferry service runs almost all day but we can also arrange (extra cost) a private sea taxi for early morning or late evening arrivals to Athens. The island offers a plethora of activities and services and your host, Vasso, will be available 24/7 to assist in and/or arrange anything from car hire, yoga lessons, to cooking classes and even babysitting services; all at an extra cost. During the warmer months, Vasso is able to help you arrange a day trip (or two) to the neighboring islands of Agistri and/or the tiny lush island of Moni whose only inhabitants are a couple of peacocks and a deer or two. If you are a theatrophile, during the months of July and August there’s the early evening, pre-organized, ferry ride across to the Peloponnese where you will watch a play at the Ancient theatre of Epidaurus and transported back to Aegina Island. Day trips to more Islands (Spetses, Hydra, and Poros) in the Saronic Gulf can also be arranged. This gorgeous Luxury Villa is located in the area of Profitis Ilias, Perdika on the Island of Aegina; a below the radar Island that is home to some of the best pistachios in the world. What’s more, standing gloriously ‘above’ the island is the Temple of Aphaia (c. 500 BC). One of the Island’s best features is that it’s only a short ferry ride from Athens’s main port, Piraeus. An ideal solution if you want to experience a few days in Athens. Getting to the Island is super easy. At an extra cost we can arrange a direct transfer to the port of Piraeus, either straight from the airport or from your Athens accommodation. The ferry service runs almost all day but we can also arrange (extra cost) a private sea taxi for early morning or late evening arrivals to Athens.

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Azi 10 03 2024 am fost intr o excursie de 1 zi minunată, multumesc atât șoferului cât și ghidului ptr faptul că ne au facut ziua frumoasă

Constantin Marinita, 10.03.2024 Citeste mai mult

Nu am calatorit cu d-vs, dar mi-as dori!

Labont Eugenia, 12.02.2024 Citeste mai mult

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