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Ambassador Aegean Luxury Hotel & Suites Santorini

Santorini, Santorini, Grecia

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Descrierea Hotelului

We are pleased to introduce you our brand new boutique-hotel in Santorini: AMBASSADOR AEGEAN LUXURY HOTEL & SUITES SANTORINI, which isn’t just a posh group of villas like others one can find in the spellbinding island.  It is a one of a kind resort, built on 14,000 m2 on the hillside , itself a lux village of architectural elegance, harmoniously blended into the imposing Caldera landscape. In one of Santorini’s most impressive spot, near the archaeological site of Akrotiri village, the hotel boasts panoramic view to the volcano, half-submerged into the deep blue Aegean sea, overlooking to the picturesque villages of Fira and Ia, as well as to the bewitching, world famous sunset of Santorini.  Against this breathtaking backdrop Αmbassador Santorini is ready to welcome its guests since June 2013. The resort consists of 4 Superior Deluxe rooms (30-40 m2), 9 Luxury Suites (40-60 m2) and 14 Infinity Cave Suites (60-70 m2) in the island’s traditional ‘hyposcafon’ style, i.e. caved into the Caldera rock.  It also includes 7 Serenity Suites (80-100 m2) with 2 bedrooms and 4 Villas (150-180 m2) with 2 or 3 bedrooms and private gym.   All types of accommodation have their own private swimming pool and Jacuzzi, with modern and classical furnishings and high tech amenities.  It’s worth mentioning that the area surrounding each Villa is from 120 to 150 m2, indicative of the private feel the guests will be enjoying. The sophisticated restaurant, the bar and the elegant area around the main swimming pool of Αmbassador Santorini are able to host various events, from posh wedding receptions to artistic happenings, and from corporate cocktail-parties to private-circle dinners.Included in the resort’s modern facilities are the fully equipped gym, the luxury spa and massage center, as well as the helipad available to our distinguished guests. Befitting the high accommodation standards in the resort, the impeccable services to be offered from the exceptionally trained staff is focusing on the personal touch with every guest, radiating warm and friendly hospitality. We are thus confident that Αmbassador Santorini will be the five-star choice of the most famous and selected visitors of the island, a byword for extraordinary luxury, modern, comfort and incomparable style.

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