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Amphitryon Hotel Nafplion

Peloponez, Grecia

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Descrierea Hotelului

Elegantly redesigned the contemporary hotel Amphitryon is one of the rare gems of the city of Nafplion. This renowned hotel has lodged famous visitors from all over the world for many decades.  The hotel is perched near the legendary castle of Akronafplia and just 5 minutes walk from the city center of Nafplion. At Amphitryon, luxury is defined at every small detail giving the sense of well-being, inspired by the sheer beauty of the hotel. It is a quietly sophisticated hotel offering understated elegance and unparalleled service in an intimate, friendly, home-away-from-home atmosphere. Located at the borders of the historical city center, all 42 rooms and 3 suites present luxury and comfort, offering magnificent panoramic views across the historic small fortress island of Bourtzi. The public beach Arvanitia is within walking distance from your doorstep. Alternatively, there is always a choice of wandering around the charming narrow streets of the city amongst the Venetian and Greek neo-classical buildings. Guest services As you enter the glamorous reception you will meet the concierge ready to assist you with any information you may require, from the smallest detail to the arrangement of limousine or helicopter service. The cosy piano lounge bar features a state-of-the-art square fireplace, which becomes instantly a gathering place and a library offering a distinctive prestige to the bar area. Room service is provided even for a private dinner at your veranda deck while viewing the infinite blue. Kind service is provided also from the housekeeping department since there is daily maid service twice per day. All our quests will appreciate the very high standards of service and the excellent facilities provided by the dedicated staff to please every wish you may have. Additionally, our guests can enjoy all the facilities of our sister hotel Nafplia Palace. Dining The gourmet restaurant Circle serves savory dishes from an excellent a la carte menu influenced by the Mediterranean cuisine. The culinary experience continues when visiting the outdoor deck restaurant for breakfast, lunch or dinner. At Onyx Bar the breathtaking sea view highlights every spot. You may sit there relax and savor drinks from around the globe. Conference & Events For business events or personal gatherings, Amphitryon Hotel provides a pleasant function room that can accommodate up to 50 guests. Several banqueting set ups for up to 70 guests are available according to your needs and requirements converting the function room into a fabulous setting to celebrate any social event. Moreover, the business facilities provided along with the use of natural lighting, offer the ideal conditions for executive meetings and incentive programs. Business facilities include: Fully equipped business center Secretarial services Internet access Overhead projectors Audiovisual equipment CD player TV & Video Set

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