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Madrid, Spania

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Cauta vacanta dorita

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Important! Anumite unitati de cazare au un minim de sedere intre 2-7 nopti.
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Camere la cerere - cu reconfirmare in max 48 de ore
Camere disponibile - cu confirmare imediata

Descrierea Hotelului

Boasting a prime location right in the heart of Madrid and in the centre of the best leisure area, this fantastic urban hotel offers a comfortable accommodation close to all what the city has to offer. The establishment is situated next to the famous Gran Vía shopping street and is surrounded by several theatres, cinemas, restaurants and other entertainment venues. Links to the public transport network as well as many local attractions can be reached within walking distance. The property offers modern guest rooms with a cosmopolite and timeless design, were travellers can relax and feel right at home after an exciting day out. Visitors may enjoy a daily lunch and dinner menu as well as some typical Spanish ‘tapas at the on-site snack bar, which also offers delicious homemade pastries. Other hotel facilities include a 24-hour front desk, free Wi-Fi and a car hire service..The hotel is located on the Plaza del Carmen, right in the heart of Madrid. From here guests can reach all major sights easily by foot, including Puerta del Sol, Plaza Mayor, Gran Via, Plaza de España, the Prado Museum and the Thyssen Museum. The royal palace is around 6 km away. The tourist centre, with excellent underground and bus connections, is right on the doorstep of the hotel..The rooms are all cosy and comfortably furnished. They are all fitted with an en suite bathroom with hairdryer, a TV, WLAN Internet access, a double or king-size bed, a room safe, heating and centrally regulated air conditioning. The windows are double-glazed and sound-proofed..American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard and VISA are accepted as methods of payment..Hotel Anaco is 1 minute away from Gran Via Avenue, which its being called the Madrids Broadway, full of cinemas and threatres with top class shows like Mamma Mia! and The Producers

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