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Aphaias Villas

Insula Aegina, Grecia

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Descrierea Hotelului

Sitting at the top of a complex of 3 villas, Aphaia Villa is completely isolated and built inside a pine forest. Aphaia Villa has a sparkling private pool with views of the sun-dappled Aegean Sea, enormous picture-perfect outdoor and indoor dining areas for special occasion dinners, and a lush garden. This beautiful eight-bedroom six-bathroom villa with sea views is only 3 minute-drive from Agia Marina Bay’s lovely beach. A secluded haven of tranquillity, the home is perfectly positioned for magnificent views over the Aegean sea and out towards the vast ever-changing horizon. The villa’s interiors are minimal and chic, with warm neutral-toned furnishings contrasting against tasteful vibrant details. The fully-equipped kitchen’s design makes it ideal for chefs who like to chat as they cook breakfast, while the gorgeous pool is the ultimate spot for swimming while watching the sunset. Spend your days exactly as you wish with your family or loved ones in this 390 sqm holiday home. Early birds will find the nearby beach a great spot for a morning swim, while the young ones will have plenty of space to use as their playground – as they play, lie back and enjoy the summertime. Come evening, enjoy an aperitive at one of the two indoor living areas before heading to unwind. With its eight lovely double bedrooms, (five of the bedrooms have their own ensuite bathrooms), Aphaia Villa is well suited to families or groups of friends seeking a peaceful sea view retreat. Aegina is only an hours ferry (or 45 hydrofoil) ride from the port of Piraeus (the main port of Athens). Bursting with delicious local produce, the island is a dreamland for foodies in search of authentic farm-to-table dining. The island is also the home of an ancient wonder standing gloriously through centuries: the Temple of Aphaia (c. 500 BC) - a mere 8min drive from the villa. Lastly, a stones throw from Aegina lies a small heavenly uninhabited islet, Moni, which belongs to a monastery and is home to a divine secluded beach with glistening turquoise waters.

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Azi 10 03 2024 am fost intr o excursie de 1 zi minunată, multumesc atât șoferului cât și ghidului ptr faptul că ne au facut ziua frumoasă

Constantin Marinita, 10.03.2024 Citeste mai mult

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Labont Eugenia, 12.02.2024 Citeste mai mult

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