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Ischia, Italia

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Cauta vacanta dorita

Alege vacanta dorita completand campurile de mai jos

Important! Anumite unitati de cazare au un minim de sedere intre 2-7 nopti.
In cazul in care cautarea dvs. nu a generat rezultate va rugam sa o refaceti pe un numar mai mare de nopti.
Camere la cerere - cu reconfirmare in max 48 de ore
Camere disponibile - cu confirmare imediata

Descrierea Hotelului

##Description **Appartamenti Bellavista** are located in Montecorvo, in the green contryside, among citrus groves and vineyards, in a quiet area with stunning panoramic views of Citara Bay. Forio town centre, with the Torrione and the famous Chiesa del Soccorso, is about 3 km away. Citara sandy beach is about 2 km away. Ischia can be reached by hydrofoil or ferry from the ports of Naples and Pozzuoli. N.B.: due to its location, we recommend renting a scooter or a small/mid-size car. This recently renovated country house, with a lush garden, consists of a single building arranged over three levels and connected to each other by external stairs. The property houses the renowned Ristorante Artistico Bellavista. Check-in operations with key delivery are performed directly on site. Late check-in must be reported in advance over the phone. A free shuttle service to and from the port in Forio is available at set times, on request. Free Wi-Fi is available in all apartments. Guests can park their cars in the fenced car park with limited parking spaces. ##Apartments Appartamenti Bellavista offers 3 Studio apartments: -Mimosa Studio apartment (Panoramic View) B: on the lower floor, it consists of an open space with a double bed and a sofa bed (for an adult or two children) -Noce/Glicine Studio apartment (Panoramic View): on the second floor, it consists of an open space with a double bed and a sofa bed (for an adult or two children) All the apartments, functional and furnished according to the taste of their owners and also recently renovated, feature an independent entrance and a private furnished terrace. They also have bathrooms with shower and hair dryer, Wi-Fi, TV. Noce/Glicine studio apartments are also equipped with a kitchenette (only for boiling milk or coffee or similar beverages). ##Why choose Appartamenti Bellavista? -Surrounded by green Mediterranean vegetation, among citrus groves and vineyards -Recently renovated apartments -Furnished terraces ##Reviews -Great hospitality -Friendly and helpful owners -Lovely outdoor areas ##Food amp; drinks In the morning, guests can enjoy a genuine Italian breakfast served at the table. In the summer, the most important meal of the day is also served on the terrace with panoramic views. The restaurant, open for lunch and dinner and also to external customers, offers table service and an à la carte menu with local specialties prepared with genuine and also zero-mile products. ##It is the right choice if… You want to spend an independent holiday, in close contact with the unspoiled nature of the island of Ischia. ##Terms and conditions -Check-in time is after 02:00pm – Check out by 12:00pm -Small pets are welcome, on request -Not included in the price: beverages and extra drinks -Credit cards are not accepted.

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Azi 10 03 2024 am fost intr o excursie de 1 zi minunată, multumesc atât șoferului cât și ghidului ptr faptul că ne au facut ziua frumoasă

Constantin Marinita, 10.03.2024 Citeste mai mult

Nu am calatorit cu d-vs, dar mi-as dori!

Labont Eugenia, 12.02.2024 Citeste mai mult

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