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BlueVillas Luxury Concept Mykonos

Mykonos, Grecia

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Descrierea Hotelului

12 Guests   6 Bedrooms   7 Bathrooms   For a detailed presentation, visit the villa page.   Why Guests love it 5-min drive to Nammos Walking distance to the beach Private infinity pool with view   Τhe Concept: Fantasy come true Villa Fantasea is a newly built property located in the southern part of Mykonos, overlooking Platis Gialos and Psarou, two of the most famous beaches of the island that have established it as an international cosmopolitan destination. Beautiful sea views, picturesque scenery and proximity to the sinful - we meant vibrant - Mykonos Town await you at villa Fantasea for an unforgettable summer of opulence and partying. Are you ready for a fantastic experience? Outdoors The modern approach of the materials featured throughout Fantasea’s terrace blend in harmoniously with the surrounding nature where impressive rocks retain their original position. An alfresco dining area is placed under the pergola of the upper terrace over the swimming pool, boasting lovely views of traditional white houses and the azure sea. The super-comfy sunbeds are lined up in front of the pool, waiting for you to take in the Greek sun, Bluetooth speakers playing relaxing tunes while you upload enviable stories on Instagram exhibiting the breathtaking view.  Interior Design Fantasea is divided in 3 floors that can sleep up to 12 guests, guaranteeing ultimate privacy within the group. The ground floor houses 3 en-suite bedrooms, a very elegant living and dining room and a fully equipped kitchen. On the first floor lie 2 bedrooms, a cozy living room, a dining room and a fully equipped kitchen, with magnificent panoramic views of the Aegean Sea. The second floor features a bedroom with a private veranda, a fully equipped kitchen and a living and dining room, all with access to balconies, where you’ll enjoy the spectacular views of the bay. Welcome to Mykonos A few minutes away from Mykonos Town and the jet-setters’ favorite Psarou Beach, your luxury Mykonos villa is made to offer the best location for those who want to experience the true spirit of the island. Whatever you need - be it a table at a fancy restaurant or entrance to exclusive clubs, just drop a line to our award-winning concierge, who is standby 24/7, and she’ll arrange anything for you before you can say “Mykonos”! Don’t forget to ask her to book our experienced chef for a sunset dinner at the privacy of your villa.  Good to know Fantasea is a short drive from the crystal-clear waters of Psarou Beach, the celebrity favorite and a few-minute drive away from all the shops, waterfront restaurants and vibrant nightlife of Mykonos Town, so you don’t need to worry about this extra glass of champagne before you get back to your villa. 

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