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Bruskos Hotel Suites

Corfu, Grecia

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Descrierea Hotelului

Hotel: Corfu is the greenest and among the most beautiful island in the Mediterranean, where philoxenia is still a way of life. Set amongst wineyards and olive groves “Bruskos Hotel amp; Ionian Suites” is a small, family operated hotel, that will captivate all visitors with it’s beautiful simplicity, relaxing atmosphere, friendly environment and great value for money. If you are coming to explore the island or just to relax and enjoy the wonderful sunshine “Bruskos Hotel” is the perfect place for your holiday. For the guests who are looking for a more premium accomodation, we have create the Ionian suites, the premium part of our hotel, which incorporates the concept of luxury, complete relation and personalised services with a family character. The suites are made in the same area with its affiliate “bruskos hotel”. It’s nature, sunshine, discreet services with great attention to detail and the surroundings of the olive groves makes it the perfect place to retreat your senses. Location: The hotel is located in a quiet location on the south coast of Corfu and is approximately 200 m from the beautiful sandy beach. The town of St. Georges with supermarkets, restaurants, bars and pubs is around 500 m away. The hotel is suitable for a quiet, relaxing holiday. Corfu town is about 32 km away by bus or taxi. nbsp; nbsp; Eat and drink: The hotel promotes the Greek gastronomy, offering the guests a special opportunity to taste new types of Mediterranean dishes. Guests can enjoy traditional or modern recipes from salads to appetizers, main dishes and desserts. Concurrently, we may have a special cocktail and a couple of drinks in the elegant pool bar with the magnificent atmosphere.We offer a large selection of fresh and healthy, top-quality, Greek products. Guests can enjoy our Power Breakfast where you can choose between anything from ham amp; eggs to cereals, fresh fruits, juices, yogurt, honey, homemade sweets, jam, and teas. We also produce and sell one of the finest virgin handpicked biologic olive oil.

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