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Descrierea Hotelului

Located on the beach of Amoudara, Dessole Dolphin Bay Resort is ideally located offering you easy reach to the center of Heraklion while enjoying the marvellous, endless sandy beach of Amoudara, surrounded by beautiful gardens and relaxing walking space.

Additional info

The Kids Club is a specially designed entertainment center for the little guests to let them feel special during their holiday. The mini club animators organize different activities for children 04 – 12 years old between 10:00-12:30 / 15:00-17:30. 

Number of rooms


Full description

Dessole Dolphin Bay Resort is a 3 building room block. Main building is comprised of 3 floors and the bungalow buildings are comprised of 2 floors. Rooms have balcony or terrace. All the rooms have WC, bath, split cooling, satellite TV, telephone, hair dryer and balcony or terrace. Mini bar is refilled daily with water.The resort offers 3 swimming pools a main pool, children's pool and a swimming pool with water slides, Kids pool is attached to main pool. Age and height restrictions as well as good swimming skills apply for the use of the water-slides, Height at least 1,20m. For the Straight free fall water slide from the age of 10 years and for the other two (wide Family slide and Curved normal slide) from the age of 8 years. Access with inflatable equipment is not allowed.). Sun beds and umbrellas are provided free for you at the beach & the swimming pool.At the four bars of Dessole the guests can enjoy Hot or cold, alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages, the most popular teas and coffees, and very special cocktails. The Main restaurant serves open buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner. The beach tavern offers snacks and thematic buffet nights. Centered around a hearty, rustic menu shaped by local, seasonal ingredients, Tavern Restaurant invites you into a warm, celebratory gathering space that captures the spirit of Aegean.For those whom want to stay fit in their Holidays, the hotel offers many Activities to choose from Morning gymnastic, step aerobic and water gymnastic. The hotel offers also beach volley, beach football, beach dance.  Everything is for your satisfaction at Dessole Hotels & Resorts Spa centers! Experienced staff, quality materials, effective care programmes and more are at your disposal at the Spa center.

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