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Grand View Villas Samos

Insula Samos, Grecia

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Descrierea Hotelului

Designed for total relaxation in an exclusive private area, the Grand View Villas is a complex of two villas within walking distance from the picturesque harbor of Vathi, the capital of Samos, and the traditional village of Ano Vathi. The villas are amphitheatrically built in the area of “Floka”, on 9000sq.m. of land, within a lush green environment with breathtaking views of the blue sea and the green pine forest. The villas are intended for people who are searching for elegance, discreet luxury, a relaxed living lifestyle surrounded by beautiful nature and of course high quality services. Thereby escaping the philosophy of “mass tourism”. Constructed in 2015, they have opened their doors to introduce to you their harmonious coexistence of luxury and elegance. Designed with neoclassical details, they maintain the traditional architecture of the island. The unique elegance if their beauty both, indoors and their external architecture, makes them special. Each villa covers a total area of 230sq.m. and consists of two apartments of 75 sq.m. each with additional space. Each suite is able to accommodate up to four people. All suites include a full equipped kitchen, a living room with a possibility of converting to a second bedroom with double bed, a comfortable bedroom and bathroom offering many amenities. All bedrooms have access to balconies with incredible views. Relax in our wonderful terraces and enjoy a romantic candlelight dinner. This experience is sure to be unforgettable!!! The beach of Agia Markella, located 300 meters from the villas is ideal for swimming, relaxing and sunbathing. A few meters away from the beach, the quaint chapel of Agia Markella completes the harmony of the scenery with its charm. The Grand View Villas complex aims to bring out the best of Greek hospitality and to be an ideal choice for an unforgettable luxury vacation. We aspire to capture your senses, offering an ideal place to share with your loved ones and unforgettable moments of a summer getaway. Travel to our island to discover the beauties of nature and to try our delicious traditional products!!! Indulge in the beauty and enjoy the aromas of our land, try the famous Samian wine and our delicious traditional cuisine. Our staff will help you organize your holiday by providing you with everything you need such as correct information, maps and suggestions.

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