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Hampton by Hilton Gaziantep

Gaziantep, Turcia

  • 3

Cauta vacanta dorita

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Important! Anumite unitati de cazare au un minim de sedere intre 2-7 nopti.
In cazul in care cautarea dvs. nu a generat rezultate va rugam sa o refaceti pe un numar mai mare de nopti.
Camere la cerere - cu reconfirmare in max 48 de ore
Camere disponibile - cu confirmare imediata

Descrierea Hotelului

The following services and amenities are available, but with reduced service: Breakfast.The following services and amenities are currently not available: Airport Shuttle, On-site Restaurant(s), Room Service.Welcome to Hampton by Hilton Gaziantep, ideally located in the centre of Gaziantep, within easy reach of the airport, historical site, museums and major business centers. It is situated at 12.4 miles (20 km) from Gaziantep Airport, 0.6 miles (1 km) from Gaziantep train station and 1.9 miles (3 km) from the famous Gaziantep Citadel. Discover handicrafts, clothing and spices in the lively markets south of the Citadel and savor traditional baklava as you sip an aromatic Turkish coffee. Guests can enjoy fantastic connectivity to the airport via the bus terminal, situated just behind the hotel. Take in wonderful city views from your inviting guest room at this hotel in Gazientep. Stay connected with free WiFi, work in comfort at the ergonomic desk, refresh in the invigorating power shower and get a great nightapos;s sleep in the comfy bed. There is a hot breakfast included when you stay at this welcoming Gaziantep hotel. The relaxed Hub lounge area is the perfect place to enjoy a coffee, light meal or drink at any time of the day or night. Buy snacks and any travel essentials you might have forgotten in our 24-hour convenience store. Work out with the latest exercise equipment in the free, 24-hour fitness room. Print and fax documents in the work zone, and plan a meeting or training seminar for up to 20 people in the conference room.The following services and amenities are available, but with reduced service: Breakfast.The following services and amenities are currently not available: Airport Shuttle, On-site Restaurant(s), Room Service.Welcome to Hampton by Hilton Gaziantep, ideally located in the centre of Gaziantep, within easy reach of the airport, historical site, museums and major business centers. It is situated at 12.4 miles (20 km) from Gaziantep Airport, 0.6 miles (1 km) from Gaziantep train station and 1.9 miles (3 km) from the famous Gaziantep Citadel. Discover handicrafts, clothing and spices in the lively markets south of the Citadel and savor traditional baklava as you sip an aromatic Turkish coffee. Guests can enjoy fantastic connectivity to the airport via the bus terminal, situated just behind the hotel. Take in wonderful city views from your inviting guest room at this hotel in Gazientep. Stay connected with free WiFi, work in comfort at the ergonomic desk, refresh in the invigorating power shower and get a great nightapos;s sleep in the comfy bed. There is a hot breakfast included when you stay at this welcoming Gaziantep hotel. The relaxed Hub lounge area is the perfect place to enjoy a coffee, light meal or drink at any time of the day or night. Buy snacks and any travel essentials you might have forgotten in our 24-hour convenience store. Work out with the latest exercise equipment in the free, 24-hour fitness room. Print and fax documents in the work zone, and plan a meeting or training seminar for up to 20 people in the conference room.

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Daca este cazul, evaluarile oficiale sunt date de catre autoritatile din fiecare tara si au tendinta de a da o clasificare corecta bazata pe standardele relative din tara respectiva.


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