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Descrierea Hotelului

The following services and amenities are available, but with reduced service: Complimentary Evening Social, Fitness Center, On-site Restaurant(s), Pool, Room Service.The following services and amenities are currently not available: Concierge, Executive Lounge, Valet Parking.Featuring a stunning industrial design of bronzed metal, glass and layered brick, Hilton London Bankside places guests near trendy South Bank, Tate Modern and Borough Market. This new hotel is a short walk to Bankside, home of foodie festivals, popular bars and restaurants, and street artists. Attend a play at National Theatre, visit The Shard for spectacular city views, and stroll to Tower Bridge to watch the London Marathon. This unique split-level hotel offers an ideal vantage for New Yearapos;s Eve fireworks and River Thames events. Corporate visitors will appreciate the quick walk to the Financial District. Relax in a guest room detailed with contemporary furnishings and original artwork. For your comfort, all guest rooms feature air-conditioning, complimentary WiFi, interactive LCD TVs and a work desk with ample outlets. Upgrade to an executive room for access to the tranquil Executive Lounge, including refreshments and business services. Enjoy steaks and seafood with an innovative twist at OXBO Bankside, perfect for power lunches and after-work dinners. Unwind with a cocktail and light bites in The Distillery, a nod to the hotel buildingapos;s heritage. Maintain your exercise routine with the heated fitness pool and fully equipped fitness center. With 1,000 sq. meters of event space, this Bankside hotel is ideal for conferences and celebrations of up to 750 guests. Lead a seminar in one of eight meeting rooms, or treat wedding guests to dancing and catered dining in an elegant Ballroom.The following services and amenities are available, but with reduced service: Complimentary Evening Social, Fitness Center, On-site Restaurant(s), Pool, Room Service.The following services and amenities are currently not available: Concierge, Executive Lounge, Valet Parking.Featuring a stunning industrial design of bronzed metal, glass and layered brick, Hilton London Bankside places guests near trendy South Bank, Tate Modern and Borough Market. This new hotel is a short walk to Bankside, home of foodie festivals, popular bars and restaurants, and street artists. Attend a play at National Theatre, visit The Shard for spectacular city views, and stroll to Tower Bridge to watch the London Marathon. This unique split-level hotel offers an ideal vantage for New Yearapos;s Eve fireworks and River Thames events. Corporate visitors will appreciate the quick walk to the Financial District. Relax in a guest room detailed with contemporary furnishings and original artwork. For your comfort, all guest rooms feature air-conditioning, complimentary WiFi, interactive LCD TVs and a work desk with ample outlets. Upgrade to an executive room for access to the tranquil Executive Lounge, including refreshments and business services. Enjoy steaks and seafood with an innovative twist at OXBO Bankside, perfect for power lunches and after-work dinners. Unwind with a cocktail and light bites in The Distillery, a nod to the hotel buildingapos;s heritage. Maintain your exercise routine with the heated fitness pool and fully equipped fitness center. With 1,000 sq. meters of event space, this Bankside hotel is ideal for conferences and celebrations of up to 750 guests. Lead a seminar in one of eight meeting rooms, or treat wedding guests to dancing and catered dining in an elegant Ballroom.

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Daca este cazul, evaluarile oficiale sunt date de catre autoritatile din fiecare tara si au tendinta de a da o clasificare corecta bazata pe standardele relative din tara respectiva.


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