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Hotel Sofitel Legend the Grand Amsterdam

Amsterdam, Olanda

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Descrierea Hotelului

Located between two historic canals in the heart of the city, Sofitel Legend The Grand Amsterdam boasts a rich history. From a 15th-century convent to royal lodgings to the Dutch admiralty headquarters to the city hall of Amsterdam. Nowadays, The Grand offers five star luxury in a unique Amsterdam ambiance, furnished with French elegance and grandeur. The Grand is located in the city centre and Amsterdamapos;s most important landmarks are within walking distance. The Grand offers 178 luxurious rooms and suites with modern bathrooms and a rain shower. The 52 exclusive suites include butler service. The rooms and suites are a harmonious blend of traditional and contemporary French design including typical Dutch style elements and are equipped with the advanced technology expected by todayapos;s traveller. Over the course of the centuries, this exquisite Amsterdam landmark has been enriched by countless special events and, during the process, has also acquired culinary fame. Experience exceptional gastronomic quality in the accessible atmosphere of restaurant Bridges and enjoy a delicious five-, six- or seven course Menu du Chef or discover the pure taste of the Mediterranean at Oriole Garden Bistro. The Garden Terrace can be found in the beautiful inner garden of The Grand and it is one of Amsterdamapos;s best kept secrets; an oasis of peace and tranquillity, situated in the heart of the city. Library ‘Orapos; is the ideal place to indulge in The Grand Afternoon Tea. Are you a true whisky lover? Be surprised by the inspiring art from Tadej Oblak and special Glenfiddich whiskies at pop-up bar The Flying Deer. Furthermore, The Grand boasts 19 meeting- and event facilities of which five are listed as historical monuments. The unwinding Sofitel SPA can also be found at The Grand with a heated indoor pool, sauna, hammam and fitness area. Join the complimentary daily historical tour inside the landmarkt to experience the rich history of the hotel up close.Located between two historic canals in the heart of the city, Sofitel Legend The Grand Amsterdam boasts a rich history. From a 15th-century convent to royal lodgings to the Dutch admiralty headquarters to the city hall of Amsterdam. Nowadays, The Grand offers five star luxury in a unique Amsterdam ambiance, furnished with French elegance and grandeur. The Grand is located in the city centre and Amsterdamapos;s most important landmarks are within walking distance. The Grand offers 178 luxurious rooms and suites with modern bathrooms and a rain shower. The 52 exclusive suites include butler service. The rooms and suites are a harmonious blend of traditional and contemporary French design including typical Dutch style elements and are equipped with the advanced technology expected by todayapos;s traveller. Over the course of the centuries, this exquisite Amsterdam landmark has been enriched by countless special events and, during the process, has also acquired culinary fame. Experience exceptional gastronomic quality in the accessible atmosphere of restaurant Bridges and enjoy a delicious five-, six- or seven course Menu du Chef or discover the pure taste of the Mediterranean at Oriole Garden Bistro. The Garden Terrace can be found in the beautiful inner garden of The Grand and it is one of Amsterdamapos;s best kept secrets; an oasis of peace and tranquillity, situated in the heart of the city. Library ‘Orapos; is the ideal place to indulge in The Grand Afternoon Tea. Are you a true whisky lover? Be surprised by the inspiring art from Tadej Oblak and special Glenfiddich whiskies at pop-up bar The Flying Deer. Furthermore, The Grand boasts 19 meeting- and event facilities of which five are listed as historical monuments. The unwinding Sofitel SPA can also be found at The Grand with a heated indoor pool, sauna, hammam and fitness area. Join the complimentary daily historical tour inside the landmarkt to experience the rich history of the hotel up close.

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