Ikos Olivia
Halkidiki, Halkidiki, Grecia
- 5
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Descrierea Hotelului
Pioneering in the Mediterranean, Ikos Resorts delivers five star quality of services across all resorts, with the ease and comfort of an all-inclusive experience. Offering enhanced luxury holidays with an enriched guest experience. Premium and without limits. Relishing its exclusive location on the Gulf of Toroneos in beautiful Halkidiki, this contemporary masterpiece extends across a perfectly landscaped 22 acres. Ancient olive trees and fragrant firs provide both shade and privacy throughout the spacious grounds, the manicured lawns eventually meeting the golden sands and refreshing waters of the Aegean. At Ikos Olivia chic design goes hand in hand with subtle elegance to offer a warm welcome to the most discerning traveller. Overlooking 450m of glorious sandy beach and the deep blue of the Toroneos gulf in Halkidiki, this enchanting setting epitomises relaxation and spacious elegance with beautifully appointed rooms and suites, enjoying stunning sea views and luxury bungalow suites, set in the heart of nature, featuring manicured private gardens and exclusive deluxe areas. ROOMS: Deluxe One Bedroom Bungalow Suite Private Garden 2-5 pax, max 3 adults Deluxe One Bedroom Bungalow Suite Private Pool 2-5 pax, max 3 adults Deluxe Two Bedroom Bungalow Suite Beach Front 2-6 pax, max 4 adults Deluxe Two Bedroom Bungalow Suite Pr. Pool 2-6 pax, max 4 adults Deluxe Two Bedroom Bungalow Suite Private Garden 2-6 pax, max 4 adults Double Bungalow Garden View 2-2 pax, max 2 adults One Bedroom Bungalow Suite Balcony Beachfront 2-5 pax, max 3 adults One Bedroom Bungalow Suite Balcony Garden view 2-5 pax, max 3 adults One Bedroom Bungalow Suite Balcony Sea View 2-5 pax, max 3 adults One Bedroom Bungalow Suite Pr. Garden 2-5 pax, max 3 adults Panorama Junior Suite Sea View 2-4 pax, max 3 adults Promo Double Room Inland View 2-2 pax, max 2 adults Promo Double Room Sea View 2-2 pax, max 2 adults Superior Double Room Inland View 2-3 pax, max 2 adults Superior Double Room Sea View 2-3 pax, max 2 adults Two Bedroom Bungalow Suite Beach Front 2-6 pax, max 4 adultsDatorita dinamicitatii domeniului disponibilitatea ofertelor se modifica de la un moment la altul. De aceea ofertele sunt valabile in limita locurilor disponibile. Agentia nu este responsabila pentru eventualele neconcordante care pot aparea intre informatiile privind tarifele si alte detalii din site si informatiile primite in agentie. In aceste cazuri vor avea prioritate, intotdeauna, informatiile primite in agentie.
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