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KB Suites & Spa

Skiathos town, Skiathos, Grecia

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Descrierea Hotelului

At KB Suites, we provide the ultimate enchanting retreat that inspires wedding proposals and awakens the most intense feelings. The key to a successful marriage proposal is to be creative and romantic, and there's no better romantic place you could be than at KB Suites & Spa. Our venue is the perfect backdrop for your creative ideas and we will help you find and coordinate the best way to pop the question as we know how momentous this moment has to be. With that in mind we have created the perfect package to take the stress away and create a truly relaxing and romantic escape.

Schedule your fairytale wedding on the island of Skiathos. At KB Suites we offer an on-site wedding coordinator that ensures you receive the perfect wedding experience. Exchange vows of eternal love and indulge in upscale, fully-tailored wedding services that lead to the satisfaction of your every wish. After the dreamy wedding ceremony, hold a memorable wedding reception party for celebrating with your loved ones, your family and friends in the most romantic setting!

Treasure every moment at the most idyllic honeymoon in Skiathos. Allow us at KB Suites to pamper you and surrender to the pure lavishness of our bespoke services, making your accommodation the ultimate rejuvenating experience. Relax and spoil yourself, indulging in private massage sessions, aromatherapy, Jacuzzi and sauna. Dive in the crystal clear waters of Vasilias beach, soaking in the sun and enjoying the luxury and comfort of our beach club. Explore the island with private sailing tours and engage in fun activities like fishing and trekking, cycling and taking up cooking lessons.

Skiathos is a gorgeous island, full of natural wonders and unspoiled beaches. Our private sailing tours enable you to come closer to the magnitude of the island's beauty. Set out for the most alluring tour of your life, discovering the marvelous spots all over the island of Skiathos. Dive in the refreshing waters and soak under the sun, wearing your bathing suit and sipping on a cold beverage. Experience tranquility, as you sail across Sporades and admire the wonderful scenery.

Explore the wonders of Skiathos, experiencing amazing activities at KB Suites. Nature enthusiasts take pleasure in trekking, enjoying the mainland of Skiathos and having a sumptuous picnic surrounded by green and the infinite blue of the sky. Cycling tours are also offered all over the island, enabling you to work out while discovering the natural treasures of Skiathos on a sublime ride. Take part in a fishing tour and get the opportunity to enjoy the fresh catch of the day.

Skiathos is blessed with an impressive underwater life that is perfect for exploring while scuba diving. Diving centers offer courses for all ages and organize exciting diving trips to reefs and nearby islands. We can arrange for you the most enjoyable and safe scuba diving experience, accompanied and guided by professionals, to have the fun of your life in the realm of Neptune!

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