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Kivotos Santorini

Imerovigli, Santorini, Grecia

  • 5

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Descrierea Hotelului

Kivotos Santorini is ideally located in Imerovigli, the most private area of Santorini. On an island bustling with visitors for many months of the year, Imerovigli is definitely the quietest, most intimate district on the island with only a few hotels and a couple of gourmet restaurants to shatter the ambience. Unlike many of the properties on the island there is no climbing down involved in accessing the hotel. You can drive straight to a waiting parking space in front of the entrance to the first building with a mere twenty steps leading down to the second.Now, just close your eyes for a moment and prepare yourself for the view of a lifetime, 180 degrees worth of pure majesty, across the entire bay and caldera. You are drawn first to the remains of the ancient acropolis of Santorini, called Skaros, perched on a single defiant turret of rock in the sea. Cast your gaze wider to take in the magnificent sunset and world famous volcano of Santorini. Even more unique is the extra romantic touch not found in other luxury accommodation on Santorini; not only do all the bedrooms look out onto this view but so confident are we of its supremacy that the windows are specially curved so whatever the time of year you stay the last rays of day will stream directly in onto your bed! So, from the view to the hotel itself: Five Suites and Two Villas with indoor or outdoor pools and Jacuzzi, a Hammam, en-suite treatment rooms and other unique five star elements are offered which in combination with the hotel’s gourmet restaurant and skybar are here to further enhance your accommodation experience.

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