× Hello Holidays

O&B Athens Boutique Hotel

Plaka, Creta-Heraklion, Grecia

  • 4

Cauta vacanta dorita

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Important! Anumite unitati de cazare au un minim de sedere intre 2-7 nopti.
In cazul in care cautarea dvs. nu a generat rezultate va rugam sa o refaceti pe un numar mai mare de nopti.
Camere la cerere - cu reconfirmare in max 48 de ore
Camere disponibile - cu confirmare imediata

Descrierea Hotelului

O&B Athens Boutique Hotel welcomes its guests to Athens with a warm smile so that their first impression of a new city is nothing but the best. O&B Athens Boutique Hotel redefines hospitality in Athens and offers to our guests the best hospitality experience in Athens! O&B Athens Boutique Hotel emphasizes in the meaning “boutique” in which we strive to have a “personal” relationship with our guests. We go all out to offer you professional, yet friendly hospitality service. Our philosophy is to make our guests feel like home away from their home. A luxury home with all the pampering needs that our guests want. O&B Athens Boutique Hotel, our small and cozy boutique hotel in the center of Athens, opened its doors to the public in December 2005 and since then we have made sure that our philosophy is passed on to all the new team members that join O&B. Our hospitality philosophy is to greet all our guests with a smile and ensure that everyone is treated with the utmost respect to every need when on holidays. During all these years, we are proud to have developed a unique hospitality philosophy, being popular among the Athens travelers and having succeeded as a top Athens gay friendly hotel and a high-rated hotel for all the guest categories, such as couples, groups of friends, families, senior travelers, single travelers and business travelers in Athens. Serving all with the professional and authentic hospitality spirit of the O&B. O&B Athens Boutique Hotel is dedicated to offer you the best hotel experience in Athens. In the unfortunate case that you would like to express complaints to our General Manager, O&B has developed an Organized Complaints Management System in order to make sure that your feedback will be highly considered. Whilst in the hotel you may request to contact our General Manager directly or fill in the relative Complaint Form. To send us your complaints online please use our Contact Form. O&B Athens Boutique Hotel will go the distance to make sure that your luxury stay in Athens is extraordinary! Reserve your hotel stay in Athens on www.oandbhotel.com take advantage of the best hotel rates in Athens for O&B Athens Boutique Hotel offered in our website and enjoy a unique hospitality experience!

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Touroperatorii au, de obicei, propriile clasificari atunci cand evalueaza o unitate de cazare, daca nu exista alte prevederi. Clasificarile ce sunt afisate in acest website sunt clasificari proprii si sunt o incercare de a oferi o ghidare pentru calitatea generala a proprietatilor din oferta. Clasificarile universale ale touroperatorilor sunt, de obicei, bazate pe constatarile / feedback-ul clientilor si ale senior managerilor din tara si strainatate.

Daca este cazul, evaluarile oficiale sunt date de catre autoritatile din fiecare tara si au tendinta de a da o clasificare corecta bazata pe standardele relative din tara respectiva.


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