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Olivia Luxury Villa

Elounda, Creta-Heraklion, Grecia

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Descrierea Hotelului

Villa Olivia is a stunning villa recently designed by a French renowned architect that sets it apart from other villas in Crete. Its contemporary design combined with local stone fits in beautifully with the rugged hillside terrain. Here you will feel at the top end of the world delightfully hidden away on a coastal hillside without direct neighbourhood but at the same time just a short walk from the popular town of Elounda. Its various terraces have bioclimatic pergolas and offer breathtaking views over the bay of Mirabello and Sitia mountains in the background, the bay of Elounda and the islands of Kolokytha and UNESCO world heritage island of Spinalonga. The villa offers all the comfort of a 5 star hotel with an amazing insulation (acoustic and thermic) and a very functional plan guaranteeing privacy and tranquillity for each of its guests. It has 3 different wings, each wing including 2 rooms. In that way, 3 families can easily stay in the villa without being bothered by the others. Each of the 6 bedrooms has its own bathroom and offers an incredible sea view overlooking the stunning bay of Elounda. It is superbly furnished with minimalistic glass windows to enjoy the magnificent views both from the interior and the exterior of the villa. Even the majestic interior stair leading to the lower level of the villa has an uninterrupted view over the sea giving the amazing impression that you are on a boat ready to departure on a peaceful lake. Its interior bar on the lower level lead inevitably to its large infinity pool that extends across the azure Aegean horizon. If you want to stay fit, you will be happy to exercise in a fully furnished fitness room while watching the news or listening to music. A boules game (with amazing view of course!) is also available enjoying open air activities around a glass of rose or a refreshing ouzo. And for those that are willing to watch a movie, no need to go to the cinema : villa Olivia has a cutting edge home cinema. Villa Olivia is like heaven on earth !

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