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Playas Paguera

Paguera, Mallorca, Spania

  • 3

Cauta vacanta dorita

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Important! Anumite unitati de cazare au un minim de sedere intre 2-7 nopti.
In cazul in care cautarea dvs. nu a generat rezultate va rugam sa o refaceti pe un numar mai mare de nopti.
Camere la cerere - cu reconfirmare in max 48 de ore
Camere disponibile - cu confirmare imediata

Descrierea Hotelului

Located on a beautiful boulevard in Paguera, this hotel is just 100 metres from the splendid beach and a short 5-minute walk from a number of bars, restaurants and shops in one of the most popular tourist areas in the south of the island of Mallorca. The regular local bus service allows guests easy access to the capital in under 20 minutes, as well as the worthwhile sightseeing attractions in the neighbouring town of Andraitx. The airy elegant rooms are furnished with natural materials and textures and bring the outdoor in, with fresh white and blue colours, to create a truly relaxing setting. Whether they have just been lounging at the beach, trying the water sports facilities or having a diving lesson, guests can relax with a drink on the private balcony or dine in luxury in the on-site restaurant for the perfect ending of a perfect day..The hotel is located on a beautiful boulevard in Paguera and is only a few metres from bars, restaurants and shops. The inviting beach is located just 100 m away, easily reached within walking distance. With the regular local bus service, guests will easily reach Palma as well as the worthwhile sightseeing attractions in the neighbouring town of Andraitx..The functional rooms are equipped with an en suite bathroom, a direct dial telephone, TV, a balcony/ terrace and a hire safe. The family rooms are more spacious and offer enough space for 4 beds. The maximum occupancy in the rooms is 3 adults and 1 child..Guests are offered breakfast and evening meals in the form of a buffet. It is possible to book a half-board stay..MasterCard and VISA are both accepted as methods of payment..On payment of an additional fee, guests may make use of the large tennis centre in town. During the summer months, guests also have the opportunity to choose from the water sports facilities available on the beach. Here, guests will also find a diving school.

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