Sani Club
Halkidiki, Halkidiki, Grecia
- 5
Cauta vacanta dorita
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Descrierea Hotelului
Family hotel in the famous resort complex Sani, Sani Beach Club was built in the style of ground floor bungalows, ideal for families with children. Set within Sani Resort and located within a secluded indigo bay, ovelooking Mount Olympus and the Aegean Sea, Sani Beach Club is the obvious family holiday destination. Shimmering azure waters, white sands and ancient olive groves adorning the surrounding hills; it would be hard to dream up a more serene idyll than the Sani Club. The luxuriously welcoming bungalows provide a private setting with stunning views, while a choice of exciting cuisines ensure your stay is very memorable. The intimate surroundings of this luxurious low rise hotel, with magnificent views over Mount Olympus and the Aegean, provide you with a dazzling array of amenities and fun activities, both on and off the water, to bring pleasure to all ages. Located at the far end of the resort, surrounded by lush nature and nestled in ancient olive groves. Wildlife lovers will be in the prime position to explore the riches of the environment. Take peaceful walks through the surrounding forest and admire the impressive array of birds . The panoramic views of the Aegean Sea make the secluded Sani Club your private escape between sea and sky. ROOMS: Deluxe Room Garden View with Private Garden 2-3 pax, max 3 adults Deluxe Room Sea View with Private Garden 2-3 pax, max 3 adults Family Suite Grand Balcony Sea View 2-6 pax, max 4 adults Junior Suite Grand Balcony Sea View 2-4 pax, max 2 adults Junior Suite Private Garden Sea View 2-4 pax, max 3 adults One Bedroom Bungalow Suite Private Garden 2-4 pax, max 3 adults One Bedroom Bungalow Suite Private Pool 2-4 pax, max 3 adults Single Room Garden View 1-1 pax, max 1 adults Single Room Sea View 1-1 pax, max 1 adults Standard Room Garden View 2-3 pax, max 3 adults Standard Room Ground Floor Sea View 2-3 pax, max 3 adults Two Bedroom Bungalow Suite Private Pool Beachfront 2-6 pax, max 4 adults Two Bedroom Bungalow Suite Private Pool Front Sea 2-6 pax, max 4 adults Two Bedroom Bungalow Suite with Private Garden 2-6 pax, max 4 adultsDatorita dinamicitatii domeniului disponibilitatea ofertelor se modifica de la un moment la altul. De aceea ofertele sunt valabile in limita locurilor disponibile. Agentia nu este responsabila pentru eventualele neconcordante care pot aparea intre informatiile privind tarifele si alte detalii din site si informatiile primite in agentie. In aceste cazuri vor avea prioritate, intotdeauna, informatiile primite in agentie.
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