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Rapaniana, Creta-Chania, Grecia

  • 4

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Descrierea Hotelului

The philosophy of the people of Selini Suites is governed by principles that make their work unique and reliable offering their guests unique experiences.

The philosophy of Selini Suites Hotel is based:- In providing high-quality accommodation services, inspired by the authentic Greek hospitality.- In creating accommodations which combine luxury with simplicity.- In employing people with experience, but also young people who want a career in the hospitality sector.- In creating hotel services that ensure an excellent accommodation to their guests.- In creating hotel units that fully respect the environment in which they operate.


Great facilities for SPA services that contribute to natural rejuvenation and well-being of occupants of Selini Suites complete the picture of the perfect holidays. Enjoyable therapies, massage and special body treatments create unique feelings of intellectual and physical regeneration to the visitors pushing away the stress and fatigue of everyday life. Respecting the daily habits of the guests, Selini Suites offers a modern gym with a wide variety of fitness equipment in excellent working condition.


For those who really want to spend relaxing holiday by avoiding movements, Selini Suites hotel has an amazing restaurant where visitors can taste rich dishes of Cretan cuisine restaurant where visitors can taste rich dishes of Cretan cuisine accompanied by fine quality wines selected from the special professionals.


Traditional delightsFor those who really want to spend relaxing holiday by avoiding movements, Selini Suites hotel has an amazing restaurant where visitors can taste rich dishes of Cretan cuisine restaurant where visitors can taste rich dishes of Cretan cuisine accompanied by fine quality wines selected from the special professionals.Here, one can enjoy a variety of dishes from the local and international cuisine that created by distinguished chefs.For these rich dishes used only top quality ingredients are used cooked with olive oil in place.


In the garden of the hotel there are two (2) clean pools surrounded by tropical Palm trees creating an exotic oasis. There, the hotel’s guest can relax in one of the sun beds enjoying coffee, soft drink or drink offered by the pool bar, breathing the seductive aromas of the sea which is just a stone's throw from the hotel.


Selini Suites offers guests luxurious & professional services that exceed their expectations. The discreet elegance, comfort, the spacious rooms & suites, the excellent service, but also the specialized facilities & services for the professional guest, make it an ideal choice of stay in Crete.


Wonderful playgrounds, an entertainment room and two large pools beautifully decorated are ready to welcome those who wish to offer a wonderful and unique holiday to their family.


Selini Suites, a luxury hotel in the seaside, offers luxurious facilities and services to all guests. The modern hotel facilities highlight the unique character of the island and reflect the Cretan elegance and the stunning colors of Chania.

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Azi 10 03 2024 am fost intr o excursie de 1 zi minunată, multumesc atât șoferului cât și ghidului ptr faptul că ne au facut ziua frumoasă

Constantin Marinita, 10.03.2024 Citeste mai mult

Nu am calatorit cu d-vs, dar mi-as dori!

Labont Eugenia, 12.02.2024 Citeste mai mult

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