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The Residence Christokopidou Hotel & Spa

Plaka, Creta-Heraklion, Grecia

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Descrierea Hotelului

Athens Christokopidou Residence-Discreet luxury with a view of Acropolis Centrally located right in the heart of the historic centre of Athens, in the namesake alley of hip & chic Psyrri district, the eco-friendly Athens Christokopidou Residence is a brand-new oasis of urban elegance. Subversive by design, it promises euphoria and offers the much-coveted seclusion that every traveller craves after exploring the dozens of world-famous sights (including the Acropolis, Ancient Agora, Plaka, Monastiraki, Thissio, Ermou) that are less than a stones throw away from its main entrance. Be among the first to discover and wholeheartedly enjoy the unrivalled -for the area- facilities of Athens Christokopidou Residence such as the indoor heated pool, the fully-equipped wellness center with a Turkish hammam and sauna and the atmospheric rooftop jacuzzi and rooftop bar that offer panoramic views of the sacred rock of Acropolis. Its seventeen -superbly decorated with handmade furniture- rooms and suites are all equipped with comfortable beds, spacious bathrooms with designer toiletries, flat-screen smart TVs (with over 200 free satellite channels and Netflix streaming), Nespresso coffee machines and the latest technology (such as the possibility for contactless check-in & check-out, keyless entry into the room and concierge service via custom smartphone application). Athens Christokopidou Residence manages to honor its glorious past (since the building was for decades the seat of local artisans) while at the same time offering a pioneering proposal for the next day of hospitality and strictly adhering to all health standards due to COVID -19. A combination that has already won the appreciation of travelers, including many couples who appreciate the discretion and refined aesthetics it so effortlessly emits. Start your day with a lush continental breakfast, served either in your room or on the rooftop terrace, before exploring Athens on foot or by metro (Monastiraki station, where the direct connection to the airport ends, is just 200 meters away). Knowing that, at the end of another tiring day, Athens Christokopidou Residence and its experienced staff will be there to take care and rejuvenate your body and soul.

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