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Varos Village Boutique Hotel

Insula Lemnos, Grecia

  • 4

Cauta vacanta dorita

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Important! Anumite unitati de cazare au un minim de sedere intre 2-7 nopti.
In cazul in care cautarea dvs. nu a generat rezultate va rugam sa o refaceti pe un numar mai mare de nopti.
Camere la cerere - cu reconfirmare in max 48 de ore
Camere disponibile - cu confirmare imediata

Descrierea Hotelului

Since its grand opening in 2010 and its total renovation in 2019, “Varos Village Boutique Hotel” has been aiming to be a premium hotel product on the island of Leimnos. Our hotel is considered to be a “must visit” for anyone who wishes to experience high quality and unique services, as here you can feel like at home while enjoying hotels pambering and satisfying all needs. Inspired by the traditional architecture of Lemnos and taking advantage of the plenty of land we had in our hands in combination with the exploitation of the authentic flour mills and the grain store within the hotel area, we combined the traditional design with the modern, minimal style, giving birth to a unique result with 19 rooms & suites, 2 restaurants (one by the pool), 2 bars (one by the pool), gym, spa facilities and a big multi usage Hall with natural light. We also have our bio vines garden and veggie gardens with first raw materials which are used daily in our awarded cuisine. What fascinates more our guests upon arrival at the hotel is that they face an almost real, authentic Lemnian village at miniature size! An added touch of luxury is the fact that each Suite has its own private entrance and a furnished veranda overlooking the Aegean Sea or the hotel’s gardens and also our staff are very carefully selected to have what we call hospitality-personality. Our hotel does not offer the typical location of a summer resort on the seashore and is not located in the bustling capital of Myrina. On the other hand, the fact that the hotel is located in the heart of Lemnos, right in the center of the island, give us a strong, competitive advantage in terms of minimum time distance. The absolutely privacy, the spacious areas, the unique sunsets and caldera’s view, our awarded restaurant & our certified homemade, Greek breakfast, our pool fulfill with thermal waters from Lemnia Terra springs, our organic veggie gardens and vine gardens, unique design and architectural concept and the personalized concierge service, make us special. The authentic philosophy of Greek hospitality combined with our luxurious, from our heart offered services make “Varos Village Boutique Hotel” your destination in Lemnos! From this central point of Lemnos, we will help you to discover the countless attractions of the island and explore its beauty and its golden beaches, taking with you back home, a glimpse of Homeric Anemoessa ’s treasures! We look forward to welcoming you!

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Super ghid, domnul Radu N.???? dar și domnul șofer Ștefan D. ✨️ Cu siguranță voi mai călători cu această agenție!!

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